Thursday 15 August 2019

It's Noticeable That This Doesn't Happen At Every Type Of Music Festival...

A trio of councillors have blasted the processes that led to four men being stabbed at a music festival in Morden over the weekend.
 Unusually for Lib Dems, they aren't blaming 'poverty', 'Tory underinvestment' or 'policing failures'...
“The festival was only approved after organisers gave assurances about the security measures in place. Clearly something went seriously wrong.
“As an immediate step, the Liberal Democrat group has written to the Council to call for a formal review of security arrangements at the festival. We will also be pushing to ensure that councillors are kept fully briefed at every stage of the review, so that we can keep residents informed and ensure that their concerns are adequately addressed.
“I hope that any review can consider whether knife arches or further weapons searches could be used at future events of this type.
“When I speak to local people on the doorstep, crime comes up repeatedly as a real concern. Residents deserve to be able to feel safe in this area, and that is why preserving a proper local police presence is a priority for me and my fellow Liberal Democrat councillors.”
Makes a change, You're usually tying their hands so they can't do anything about yobbery!
Cannon Hill Councillor Nick McLean as well as Dundonald's David Dean think that the event should no longer be held at Morden Park altogether.
“Merton’s parks are there for everyone to enjoy," Cllr Dean said. "It was very clear from last year’s event that residents were aggrieved with the noise, litter, loss of parkland, overcrowding in Morden, drugs and apparent lawlessness. It appears that this year’s event has surpassed the previous one in its anti social behaviour and has added violence to its litany of complaints.
"Merton Council should not have entertained another year of aggro. It’s time to say goodbye to this unpopular pastime.”
Excellent! Finally, standing up for decency! What a refreshing change.

Now, about that Notting Hill Carnival...


  1. I never get called to police the WI fete or the AGM at my local Conservative club.
    Can't think why.
    (I'm working again at the stab-fest that is the Notting Hill carnival though.So are 5000 of my mates. )

  2. Baroque music first, was it? They can get very lairy.

  3. Or "festival" even. Forgive me, I'm not at my best.

  4. From a post on an earlier thread about litter.

    There used to be a bash that was organised by English Heritage called The Festival of History. Mainly a get together of re enactment types who like dressing up and pretending to fight. I've been a few times, it's good harmless fun and quite educational. When we were leaving at the end of it all, it struck me that there wasn't any litter strewn about. Educated folk who like their history appear to be more civilised.

    I don't recall any stabbings happening either, despite there being stalls selling all kinds of ancient weapons.

  5. "I'm working again at the stab-fest that is the Notting Hill carnival though."

    It's that time again already? Do we have enough street thugs this time, or are they all six feet under?

    "I don't recall any stabbings happening either..."


  6. It comes round very quickly Julia. My life is flashing by and I seem to have spent quite a lot of it arguing with Melvin on the internet....every year i think " I hope this is the last carnival I do"
