Saturday 2 November 2019

Let The Punishment Fit The Crime...

Susan Chiswell was in her mid-50s when her father’s death sent her into a downward spiral and led to a nervous breakdown.
Her heartless daughter, Joanne, put her in a residential home and took control of her mother’s finances.
Joanne sold her home in Glenfield and disposed of all the contents including her mother’s jewellery and photographs - spending the proceeds on shopping and meals out, as well as paying off her debts.
And so to the justice system, to deliver....well, 'justice', I suppose:
After pleading guilty, judges decided to spare bankrupt Joanne jail, and ordered her to pay back just £1 - with the judge saying that "shame" would be the greatest punishment she would face.
Do they really think that someone capable of this, is capable of shame..?

This statement from the victim broke my heart:
Speaking from her small, one-bedroom flat in Gretton Court, a sheltered housing block in Melton, Susan, now 68, said she could barely believe everything that had happened to her in the past decade.
She said: “Because she’s spent all the money I don’t know if I’ll ever leave here – I’m only 68 and I’d love to be able to live in a house or a bungalow where I could have a cat but I can’t do much with £1 so I suppose I will have to stay here forever.
“I’m going to put the £1 towards my donation to the Poppy Appeal this year.”
And this one made me rage at the world:
She said she hoped Joanne would lose her job with the NHS after the way she had defrauded her own mother.
You mean, she hasn't already?

What sort of a world are we living in?

H/T: Commenter SteveA over at 'Orphans'


  1. SO who is paying for the residential home, when the lady living there had a house? Oh, wait a minute, we are ...


    This is for those who have lost their faith in human nature after reading this story.

  3. "Oh, wait a minute, we are ..."

    The money should be repaid by garnishing the daughter's wages.

    "This is for those who have lost their faith in human nature after reading this story."

    Sinise is one of the few people from Hollywood that seems to have his head screwed on right. Quite remarkable.
