Monday 30 December 2019

You Vill Hold Ze Right Opinions!

Or else!
Commenting on the Rudiger incident, Sky Sports commentator Gary Neville said: 'I mentioned a couple of weeks ago we had a general election where both leaders of the main parties have problems with racism in their own party so we are seeing it at a major level, it's a far bigger problem than one individual person, maybe we have to empower the players to walk off the pitch and stop the entertainment.'
It was after this comment that Sky Sports presenter David Jones intervened to remind viewers that 'those are the opinions of Gary Neville and not Sky Sports'.
What's wrong with that?

Well, because it's 2019 (and I can't see 2020 is going to be much better), and no-one should ever interrupt someone in the midst of their virtue signalling, of course!
Neville was not best pleased at Jones' response and said: 'Do you not agree with them Dave?'
Jones replied: 'Whether I do or I don't is irrelevant. I'm here to try and hold a balanced debate.'
The mob were duly fired up on social media, to force this upstart who thinks broadcasting impartiality should stand in the way of a good old-fashioned wallow in how awful this country is, to retract:
Having faced criticism for his intervention, Jones issued an apology after the broadcast.
Silly man. You can't appease the mob. You shouldn't even try.
He tweeted: 'I'm so sorry to have spoiled what was such an important discussion on racism tonight. I had to intervene when Gary suggested the two main political parties were to blame - I didn't make that clear enough. For that I apologise unreservedly.
'I would never purposefully shut down a discussion on racism. I've worked for Sky for over 20 years and know they share my view that racism of any kind should not be tolerated. That is not a debate. And that's why I'm so very disappointed and sorry tonight.'
Not half as much as the sensible majority are 'disappointed and sorry', David.


  1. He probably just wants to hold onto his job.

  2. The West is literally the most racist intolerant exploitative destructive sexist unequal misogynistic place ever in the history of humanity. Which is why everyone else wants to move here...

  3. It's that Newspeak again: it's a discussion on racism but not the type of discussion where you're allowed to answer back.

  4. The same Gary Neville who co-owns Salford City? Who's fans are the most racist I've ever heard in 40 years at Valley Parade...who knew Bradford had a large Pakistani community?

  5. "He probably just wants to hold onto his job."

    He probably does - but since he did nothing wrong, other than state the company position, he shouldn't fear losing it.

    "Which is why everyone else wants to move here..."


    "'s a discussion on racism but not the type of discussion where you're allowed to answer back."

    And until people start saying 'screw that!' and answering back, it'll go on.

    "The same Gary Neville who co-owns Salford City? Who's fans are the most racist I've ever heard in 40 years at Valley Parade..."

    I dunno. I'm not a football fan. I don't know who any of these people are!
