Tuesday 10 March 2020

"Get Out Of Jail Free Card?" "That'll Do Nicely..."

Karly Lester has been spared jail after police found crack cocaine and cannabis in her home on Canvey last year.
What?! Why?
Mitigating, Tony Ventham told the court that Lester had been coerced into the drugs trade by an experienced dealer.
He said she was “vulnerable” due to the fact that she was trying to care for her two young children, one of whom has health issues, and in her desperation fell into dealing.
Oh, who's going to f...
Judge Samantha Leigh...
...decreed that Lester was not a major player in any drugs enterprise.
She said: “She was struggling financially as so many people are. This was totally, as she now realises, the wrong step to take to get out of the situation she was in.”
Lester received 24 months in prison suspended for two years, 200 hours unpaid work and 60 days of rehabilitation.
Judge Leigh added: “If you do as I ask, you will not go to prison.”
Chances are good she won't even if she doesn't...


  1. I think it's fairly certain that you are going to linking back to this post in the future (probably multiple times), when Judge Samantha Lenient gives just one more chance.

  2. What's with the 'ask'??

    Don't judges make 'orders'?


  3. She was trying to care for two children who presumably came into the world by immaculate conception since they don't seem to have any father's to share the responsibility. Once again it all falls on the poor old tax payers leaving them with less for their own family.

  4. "coerced into the drugs trade by an experienced dealer."
    I presume she gave him up then?

  5. "I think it's fairly certain that you are going to linking back to this post in the future..."

    As inevitable as death and taxes!

    "... who presumably came into the world by immaculate conception..."

    Sadly, there's a dearth of wise men in the court system. Three would be nice!

    "I presume she gave him up then?"

    I wonder...
