Friday 13 March 2020

We Can All Do The Sums, You Know...

Squeezed together in their double bed, the children end up hitting each other in their sleep, causing nose bleeds and tears.
Dad, Nosakhare, and mum, Joy Ogbeide, a part time kitchen assistant, sleep on the living room floor.
'How terrible that the taxpayer can't chip in to get them housed in better accommodation' is the subtext.

But wait a minute...
Since 2014 the family has been hoping for a bigger home, joining scores of families living in overcrowded accommodation bidding for social homes when they become available.
But Nosakhare said the family has never risen above 300 in the queue.
*counts on fingers*

If you're overcrowded, it's not the council that's to blame, is it? They didn't provide you with three more kids while you were living in a one-room house (paid for by the taxpayer)...
Newham's deputy mayor, Cllr John Gray, responsible for housing, said: "If I could get the homes to house these families I would, but they simply aren't there. We have hundreds of families with similar levels of overcrowding. It's unacceptable. We are doing everything we can, we're on their side, but we need help from the government."
No. You need self-control and less dependency and entitlement from these families.


  1. It's a real help of course that we allow 250,000 newcomers into our vastly overcrowded island every year. As a hard working tax paying English person it's my responsibility to provide them all with houses, healthcare and benifits of course. What a shame I can't keep a little more of my hard earned cash for my own family.

  2. Must be plenty of empty houses in Lagos judging by the amount of Nigerians over here.

  3. "t's a real help of course that we allow 250,000 newcomers into our vastly overcrowded island every year."

    And that's not counting the ones in lorries and dinghies...
