Saturday 4 April 2020

Supreme Traitors...

Shami Chakrabarti, the shadow attorney general, said: “Those understandably concerned about the sweeping powers that parliament has just temporarily handed to the executive to cope with the coronavirus emergency, will take some comfort from the watchful eye of the UK’s judges and the value they so obviously place on the right to life.”
Whose right to life? Why, not little Mabel down the road, desperate to get out in the fresh air but terrified of arrest.

No, perish the thought...
Elsheikh and Kotey, who were raised in Britain, are alleged to have been part of an Isis terrorist cell, some of whom were known as “the Beatles”, that is thought to have carried out 27 beheadings of US and UK citizens in Isis-held territory.
Nice to know our Supreme Court is every bit an enemy of the people as the one in the US...


  1. Smarmy Chucklebutty really is despicable. No need to hold the front page, though. I think we'd all figured that out by now.

  2. Just so long as we don't get the bastards back.

    If you say 'Lady Hale' in a Scottish accent, it sounds like a euphemism for a certain obscene, but accurate, descriptive word.

  3. "No need to hold the front page, though. I think we'd all figured that out by now."

    The Labour Party enquiry into antisemitism proved that beyond doubt.

    "If you say 'Lady Hale' in a Scottish accent, it sounds like a euphemism for a certain obscene, but accurate, descriptive word."

