Sunday 21 June 2020

And I Thought The 'Daily Mail' Was Bad..!

Courtesy of Stephen Brown, via email, we have this US abomination.

Words fail me. This time, they really do!


  1. As far as I'm concerned a Mazal Tov cocktail is a generous slug of whiskey with added ginger ale to taste which is drunk at Barmitzvah's and Bris Millah ceremonies. It's good to know that the media of the United Kingdom is not alone in suffering from a lack of properly trained sub editors.

  2. I read it as intentional and smiled. Wasted on some, JuliaM?

  3. @ F211

    'Mazel tov' is a congratulatory/joyous expression at some event to be celebrated.

  4. Anon 11:33. Yeah I know, when my wife and I got married in a synagogue in North London we got to hear that a lot and when our much prayed for son, whom we prayed for at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, was born we got Mazal Tov's from relatives and friends across the world as well. I was being facetious as a nice scotch is often seen at Jewish celebrations (although not at Pesach when it's banned for the duration)

  5. UsedtobeBanned22 June 2020 at 10:50

    That would have been funny from voice activated text but to think a real live person put typed that on a keyboard. . .

  6. UsedtobeBanned. Maybe you should change 'real live person' to 'real live moron' LOL

  7. "It's good to know that the media of the United Kingdom is not alone in suffering from a lack of properly trained sub editors."

    I never doubted it for a second!


