Monday 22 June 2020

So, A Question: Little Velvet Drawstring Bag, Or Delicately Carved Wooden Box?

...where do you think Meghan keeps Harry's balls?


  1. Getting kind of fed up with morons telling me what to do or think.

  2. Personally I think she's buried Harry's balls so deep in the ground that they will never be recovered as in as deep as the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia which is 40k feet deep.

    Look, some of us love our wives deeply, I worship the ground that my wife walks on, she's a fabulous wife and an equally fabulous Mum, I read my wife Proverbs 31:10-31 (aka Eshest Chayil) every Friday and Saturday which is a hymn of praise for 'women of valour'. But I don't think that I'd ever let a wife or partner do to me what Me-Again has done to Harry. Me-Again has gone beyond emasculating Harry, she's drained him of his personality, his essence and indeed his soul. I feel infinitely sorry for Harry, he's become the puppet of a seriously deranged puppet mistress.

  3. She cut 'em off long ago.

  4. UsedtobeBanned22 June 2020 at 11:25

    I used to like Harry, thought he was a well grounded lad.

  5. I hope Harry also throws his support behind banning every offensive rap song as well.
    I personally don't think Meghan is that bad. I quite like her. I don't think she's in charge as much as the press make out. Harry is still a much loved rebel though, which is why people love him. He has a very interesting path for his future. I wish them the best.

  6. "Sweet Chariot" is still one of the best group harmony songs you can sing, especially at rugby matches.

    As I don't give a flying toss what the hounded little ginger says, it may have some resonance with the woke bbc, when they film the new season - whenever that happens!

    (I think you may know Withdean or Hove Park, AP...Plenty of close harmony happened in those particular locations, but not so much at Sussex Uni, as they were just impoverished studes back then... Lewes weren't bad, but are now a shadow of what they used to play like. We did, however, manage to enjoy their clubhouse and members' hospitality on one memorable occasion in 1969)!

  7. Ginge and Cringe. They really are the pits.

  8. Extend this anatomical search to those organs which are or were, connected to both extremities of Harry's torso. Organs once making seedy and explosive impressions across the globe are sadly now of little interest to anyone, including Meghan. History was forged by dressing in Nazi uniforms or undressing as a concupiscent pool player; poisoning protected birds with lead shot; drug-fuelled partying and calling out 'Paki' colleagues whilst serving in the army. Did I mention his naked appearances on US websites? Well, his organs...if ever found, merit preservation in formalin.

    He was no common bum. The prospect of preserving images of another Royal derrière complete with testicular appendages, are infinitesimal.

    Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

  9. Eric from Chilwell23 June 2020 at 20:05

    In a jar on the mantlepiece

  10. She’s mounted them on a plaque which moves from mantelpiece to mantelpiece as they grift free rental properties.

  11. "Getting kind of fed up with morons telling me what to do or think."

    Make me think the opposite, usually.

    "I feel infinitely sorry for Harry, he's become the puppet of a seriously deranged puppet mistress."

    He knew what she was before he married her. He must have wanted it.

    " may have some resonance with the woke bbc, when they film the new season - whenever that happens!"

    I'll get the popcorn in!
