Tuesday 23 June 2020

You're Being Set Up To Take The Fall...

Police intercepted the Reading terror suspect on the street just hours before he allegedly went on the rampage, the Daily Mail can reveal.
A specialist mental health team was asked to search for Khairi Saadallah after officials failed to find him during a routine check at his home last Friday.
Later that evening, just before midnight, he was found on a street in Reading, sources disclosed.
Saadallah is believed to have then been taken home to his council flat in the south of the town – and just hours later is alleged to have stabbed three men to death as they sat in a local park, Forbury Gardens.
One of no doubt hundreds of such interactions every week since the police now have to expend resourcing on the mentally ill that our 'wonderful' NHS and justice system leaves free to roam at will.

But an establishment desperate to avoid questions like 'why was he given refugee status?' and 'why wasn't he deported when he broke the law?' and 'how did he get given a council flat?' will throw them to the wolves...


  1. SO why didn't the filth just top him?

  2. Robert the Biker23 June 2020 at 14:09

    The brother to this piece of raghead shit is now complaining that its all our fault because we're wayciss or something and its all our fault anyway. Can we just kill these monkeys now?

  3. Remember.
    White lives don't matter.
    And if you disagree you are racist, and deserve to be hunted down by our over stretched polis for some law that they will dream up, and pilloried by our definitely unbiased media.

  4. Remember Emily Jones. We must keep troubled people away from our parks and streets.

  5. The men he targeted were 'friends' - perhaps this nutcase thought they were homosexuals and, being from the intolerant religion of peace/violence, decided to kill them.

    I have no idea if they were gay or not - just saying maybe it was an anti-gay attack rather than terrorism

    1. Surely for something to be terrorism it needs to be organized, have a political purpose and be carried out by members or a member of that group.
      The establishment call a rampage by a nutter terrorism as most plebs swallow it and ask no further questions.

  6. Eric from Chilwell24 June 2020 at 16:48

    Apparently the three victims were gay. I would love to see the MSM's comments if three gay men who had (apparently) just attended a BLM rally had been knifed by a shaven headed , white EDL member, Instead they are gurning at somebody flying a legal banner over a fotball match

  7. If it was such an emergency when he was not at home that there had to be a scramble to find him, then why wasn't he held somewhere he couldn't just go walkabout?

  8. UsedtobeBanned27 June 2020 at 03:07

    There is nothing in MSM about them being gay but if Douglas Murray says so (talk radio YouTube) I trust him to check his sources.
    Nothing about the deaths at all now, just 6 days later.

  9. "The brother to this piece of raghead shit is now complaining that its all our fault..."

    Shame he didn't try the 'poor food and lack of wifi' tack before the other one used it!

    "The men he targeted were 'friends' - perhaps this nutcase thought they were homosexuals..."

    Apparently several of them were gay. Not that you'd know that from the silence of groups like Stonewall.

    "If it was such an emergency when he was not at home that there had to be a scramble to find him, then why wasn't he held somewhere he couldn't just go walkabout?"

    Very good point.
