Thursday 30 July 2020

'Not Much Support' Apart From The Free Housing, Free Money...?

Cllr MacCleary, who represents Newhaven, has written to Brighton and Hove City Council demanding a solution to long-running problems at the block.
“People here are isolated,” the Lewes District Council leader said. “It’s in the poorer part of Newhaven where there hasn’t been a lot of investment, it’s far away from the town centre. There are a lot of people crammed together, some of whom have been through very difficult times.
“But they don’t receive much support.”
“It’s no surprise some are engaged in antisocial behaviour when they’re left with nothing to do. People have died in there. There are ambulances outside very often.
“It’s a real embarrassment because we’re living in one of the wealthiest parts of the country and people are in this situation.”
What have those two things got to do with one another?
A city council spokesman said Kendal Court was emergency accommodation for homeless people “rather than supported accommodation”.
Shouldn't they consider themselves lucky? Maybe be grateful?


  1. Did anyone ask THEM? Maybe they ARE grateful and he's an attention-seeking SJW?

  2. I don't suppose Cllr McCleary, elected member for the Hypocrite Party, lives anywhere near this (free to the residents but not to the tax payer) accommodation. Perhaps he should put his actions where his mouth is and offer to house one or two in his spare bedroom - he has to have at least ONE spare bedroom - to show those who pay his local government salary and pension contributions how easy it is to be a Samaritan. Won't hold my breath.

  3. Not much loss, maybe?

  4. It sounds like the council are already doing what they can. Maybe setting up somewhere nearby to run courses and skills for future employment and budgeting would help. It would give the residents something to do. I doubt those that climb on rooftops and commit anti-social behaviour are bothered about bettering themselves but there could be some who want to help themselves.
    The only way to prevent this type of thing is to educate parents when they have children and to make their offspring responsible for themselves. Schools should also teach responsibility. I admire the way Duchess Catherine has taken on pre-school development. If only there were more like her the world would be a better place.

  5. This is appalling and it's a mystery why Newhaven's scroungers are putting up with it.

    Workshy and mendicants should spurn these miserly freebies and consider a move to Bromsgrove. Sajid Javid et al, have a warm welcome waiting for all charity cases, especially boat trippers from Calais who are booked into the nearest Hilton, post-haste.

  6. "...Did anyone ask THEM? Maybe they ARE grateful..."

    Their actions say different...

    "I don't suppose Cllr McCleary, elected member for the Hypocrite Party, lives anywhere near this (free to the residents but not to the tax payer) accommodation."

    I'll lay odds no-one on the council lives withing 10 streets of it!

    "Maybe setting up somewhere nearby to run courses and skills for future employment and budgeting would help. "

    They don't want to learn. Why would they?
