Monday 3 August 2020

A Thumb In The Eye Of Her Colleagues...

A Common Purpose plant in the police speaks:
Speaking after the three killers of PC Andrew Harper were jailed for manslaughter, Janette McCormick, deputy chief constable at the College of Policing, said attention was required to tackle the inequality and job prospects facing Travellers.
“There seems to be a deep-seated and accepted prejudice that demonises people from the community. You wouldn’t call any other ethnicity inherently criminal,” said McCormick, also the National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for Gypsies, Roma and Travellers.
It's time to look more closely at the College of Policing. Because it's proving to be one of the main reasons for the decline in trust in - and respect for - the police. 
McCormick said it was important to note that the broader link between crime and UK Traveller communities was not conclusive.
“There is no evidence to suggest we have a disproportionately high crime rate around Traveller sites,” she said.
Why not ask the people who live around traveller encampments, and see the flytipping, abuse of animals, distraction burglary, roofing scams and blatant shoplifting rates soar?


  1. Don't believe for a second that this vile woman speaks for any front-line officer. Also we all look on the College of Policing with utter contempt.

  2. "Why not ask the people who live around traveller encampments, and see the flytipping, abuse of animals, distraction burglary, roofing scams and blatant shoplifting rates soar?"

    Surely these effects are purely coincidental JuliaM! Or, rather, (per the College of Policing and every other institution in the UK captured by the left) the travellers are forced into these activities by the racism of the white settled community to which these paragons of virtue try to bring their message of joy and freedom (cf Antifa, the BLM "movement", XR - I could go on . . . . .)

  3. As I first began saying in the 80's...£billions are being squandered on a totally useless public 'service'.

  4. Corbynite Eugenicist3 August 2020 at 11:29

    She's just a twat, and is part of the problem. Pikeys choose to be outside normal British Society and prey on it, like some hideous gutworm. When you look at the faces of the 3 criminals, you see the results of inbreeding. As a committed Socialist and therefore a supporter of Eugenics, I am of the view that these subhumans need to be exterminated in the same way that one might take medicine to remove a tapeworm. It's the bloody Tories who demand that they are treated as humans! Betcha this twat votes Tory.

  5. Almost unbelievable, talk about some animals are more equal than others. If a member of the so called settled community tried half the things that some others do their feet wouldn't touch the ground.

  6. It's their culcher, innit?

  7. "You wouldn’t call any other ethnicity inherently criminal,”

    You would, their called Albanians.............

  8. Hello my love.
    I noticed you have not been so active in cyber world in the past few days. I hope everything is ok with you and yours. Things do seem to be picking up though so I hope nothing untoward has happened.
    Thinking of you as always.
    From your menace commenter.

  9. Well of course if you refuse to arrest pikeys when they break the law, as the police consistently do, its not surprising that the stats don't show higher crime rates for them........

  10. “There seems to be a deep-seated and accepted prejudice that demonises people from the community. ”

    Much like there is an accepted prejudice against bleach as an ingredient in your martini, live venomous snakes as necklaces, and scratching your ear with a loaded handgun.

    Here in the US most citizens probably don’t even know that we also have Travelers, but everyone I’ve met who did know had the same prejudices against them, for the same reasons.

    And that is despite their seemingly being far less audacious in the States than they are in the UK.

  11. Eric from Chilwell5 August 2020 at 12:53

    The college of policing is one area of the police I would be delighted to see defunded

  12. @squires,
    I think one of the differences between our countries is that, in the UK, trespass is a civil offence and the Police have little authority to move travellers on especially as they usually trespass on private land - farmers fields, school play areas, shopping centre car parks, etc. This means it is up to the landowner, or the council, to take legal action to remove them, costing many thousands of £s. The travellers know this, and take full advantage. The irony is that in Ireland, trespass is a criminal offence and anyone trespassing on pikey land, if they survive the beatings, will have the Garda round before you can say, "Lucky white Heather, Sir?"
    A change in the law regarding trespass is required in this country.

  13. "Don't believe for a second that this vile woman speaks for any front-line officer."

    That's good news. I'm certain she only speaks for herself and the rest of her Common Purpose drones.

    "When you look at the faces of the 3 criminals, you see the results of inbreeding."

    I wonder if, as in the recent murder case, they also have IQs of 65?

    "I noticed you have not been so active in cyber world in the past few days."

    No change at all. Are you confusing me with someone else?

    "Well of course if you refuse to arrest pikeys when they break the law, as the police consistently do, its not surprising that the stats don't show higher crime rates for them........"

    Good point!

    "Here in the US most citizens probably don’t even know that we also have Travelers..."

    Wasn't there an Eddie Izzard TV show about them?

  14. “This means it is up to the landowner, or the council, to take legal action to remove them, costing many thousands of £s.”

    That strikes me as thoroughly ass-backwards, as if someone in charge did not understand, or was actively trying to avoid, the fundamental role law enforcement is supposed to play in a free society.

    While they are known here for wandering about cheating the gullible (using diluted paint on contract jobs, and various other acts of fraud), any campsite antics are likely limited to abandoned lots. In urban and suburban areas they’d otherwise see their campers towed and impounded at their expense. In rural areas they’d be lucky if it was only the cops who chased them off, rather than some farmer with a shotgun or rifle and plenty of heavy equipment.

    Julia: The only time I (even vaguely) recall seeing Travelers on tv was an investigative journalism piece back in the 90s, covering those based out of North Augusta, SC. It may or may not have attempted to show them in a sympathetic light; the only part I remember touched on their practice of arranging underaged marriages.
