Monday 24 August 2020

"Can I Get A Vowel, Please, Carol?"

Vahideh Hojatoleslami, 28, allegedly struck Oluwakemi Tayo after he kicked her fiancé out of the VIP area of Loft Studio in Willesden, north-west London.

Are we not enriched? 

The trial ran out of time and resumes on August 20.

There's time limits now? When did the process of justice become 'Beat The Clock'..? 

Update: It resumed, and....guess what?


  1. Cesspit city.
    'Passing through' is enough to damage fond memories of the happy days.

  2. Having seen the two photos of the 'lady'(?) either they are of two different women or the naughty girl is engaged in some photoshoppoing. Let's hope her next case is prosecuting some female accused of assault.

  3. "Having seen the two photos of the 'lady'(?) either they are of two different women or the naughty girl is engaged in some photoshoppoing. "

    Apparently, it's the latest thing, dontchaknow...?
