Tuesday 25 August 2020

Strange Coincidences...

Spotted by commenter Northish at this post:  

A man reported missing last week has been found dead.
Rocky Price, 54, from Accrington, had been the subject of a high-risk missing person search by Lancashire Police after he was last seen at 5.30pm on Thursday.

But it's just a name and...


Police had said they were ‘extremely worried’ for Mr Price as he had been ‘suffering from personal problems’. Mr Price, from the travelling community, was found dead in his van around midday on Saturday.


Investigations are ongoing, but police are not treating his death as suspicious.

Which must mean suicide. All rather strange. If this were a crime novel, then someone would be looking again at the SODDI* defence the lad used, wouldn't they..?

*Some Other Dude Did It 


  1. The name may be the same and both apparently "vulnerable" but there is an age discrepancy. This guy was evidently not the 17 year old at the OP.

  2. I thought that all males in Accrington had, by law, to be called Stanley. One lives and learns.

  3. "This guy was evidently not the 17 year old at the OP."

    No, but I'm wondering if he was part of the family?
