Tuesday 15 September 2020

Harping On And On And On...

Southend's homeless charity is spearheading a new campaign pressing for an end to people sleeping rough on the streets.

It can only be...yes, you guessed it!

Harp has launched It’s Time, an initiative aimed at halting the number of people living on Southend’s streets.


Jackie Bliss, Harp’s chief executive, is eager to win Government backing for the charity’s efforts.
The charity is inviting people in the constituencies of Southend West and Rochford and Southend East to sign a letter to Sir David Amess and James Duddridge, asking the MPs to use their influence at national level to make a real, lasting impact on homelessness.

OK, how, exactly? There's nothing in here to say just exactly what 'the government' is supposed to do...

She added: “A return to pre-Covid levels of homelessness is unthinkable.”

Well, you surely don't expect them to be housed in hotels at taxpayer expense forever. Do you? 


  1. That's the real beauty of being a professional knocker, you can go on and on about everything and everyone and you never need to say just how you would do any better. Right now Westminster is full of them, everything anyone does is wrong but ask what they would do and you will get the most evasive answer you ever heard.

  2. "Well, you surely don't expect them to be housed in hotels at taxpayer expense forever. Do you?"

    I suspect that you will find that she actually does. It's really quite easy to be generous when dealing out other people's money.

  3. I am sure Miss Bliss has at least one spare room she could house a couple of homeless.
    Why doesn't't she start showing how it should be done.
    If she isnot prepared to, she should STFU.
    Penseivat (who worked for over 45 years to rent, and then buy, somewhere to live, often doing without to pay the rent and then mortgage. THAT'S how it should be done).

  4. She is babbling on about the wrong thing. She should be much more concerned with the government not removing all the useless scum back to the countries they came from quickly rather than having them hanging round for years sponging off the UK tax payers - if the government did that there would be more housing available for British people as well as less crime on the streets.

  5. Lets use some of the empty military camps, fit all the scroungers in there, barracks with no interaction between boys and girls, plain though nourishing food and internet that only goes to job sites. Leave any time you like, but be assured that we have a far, far worse place if you're found scrounging again! Find work and you will be assisted in every way to get ahead, piss about and we will knock you so low you'll need a telescope to look up to dog shit!

  6. There is ample provision for the homeless in my citu.That some choose to sleep rough is because they won't obey the house rules about drugs and alcohol.
    They were rounded up at the start of lockdown and given (free) shelter in a down at heel hotel. Police were there almost every day throughout.

  7. Perhaps we should follow the example of the Greeks, the MSM are always banging on about how they are doing things the right way.

  8. "That's the real beauty of being a professional knocker, you can go on and on about everything and everyone and you never need to say just how you would do any better."

    But enough about me... ;)

    "Lets use some of the empty military camps, fit all the scroungers in there..."

    Sadly, I fear there'd still be an army...looking after their 'needs'!

  9. "Perhaps we should follow the example of the Greeks..."

    I second that!
