Tuesday 13 October 2020

Not Another One..!?

A married probation officer has been jailed for 10 months after she had a four-month relationship with a high-risk violent offender.
What are they putting in the tea in the staff rooms of justice system buildings? It should be bromide!
Sellar, who joined the probation service aged 18, has been jailed for 10 months at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court.
Sellar achieved two degrees and worked her way up the career ladder to land her dream job as a probation officer in early 2018, prosecutor Daniel Osborne said.

Looked good on the books, but couldn't hack the job. Don't they do any psychological testing? 

Mr Whitehead said that Sellar's husband had a gambling addiction and the household debt was close to £50,000.



  1. While I said before that many women lean towards bad men, this is a case where she#s already got a bad one an waants worse!

  2. Joined probation service at 18 and got two degrees in ten years.
    Wonder who paid for them.
    Now she will be able to add another couple.
    Nah. She will be out after a year or so. After all, she knows all the correct answers. She must have learned something in th probation service.

  3. Don't quite understand why there is a jail sentence here. Losing your job, Yes. Losing your dignity and social standing, Yes, but going to jail when so many others who deserve to go to jail don't.

  4. Interesting, if your partner has a gambling problem sex with a violent thug fixes it. Who would have thought it?

  5. Bromide's no quick fix: in the mid 60's, all of us at my (boys only) boarding school were convinced that the staff added bromide to our school tea. Now, at almost 71, I do believe it's starting to work...

  6. "...this is a case where she#s already got a bad one an waants worse!"

    Astonishing, isn't it?

    "Joined probation service at 18 and got two degrees in ten years.
    Wonder who paid for them."

    You and I, of course!

    "...but going to jail when so many others who deserve to go to jail don't."

    The justice system (rightly or wrongly) is touchy about crimes committed against itself.

    "Now, at almost 71, I do believe it's starting to work..."

