Sunday 31 January 2021

I Didn't Even Know They Had Any!

Personally, I wouldn't trust them with a box of sparklers...


  1. Sparklers...have you fully thought it through?

  2. And if one accidentally went off in Brighton & Hove, it could do many thousands of pounds worth of improvements.

  3. Wottabout the Chemical and Biological stuff?
    Do the corona lockdown occifers also do the NBC monitoring, or is that a separate bunch of perfectly pc plod?

  4. Thanks Ted, that was my first laugh out loud moment for a very long time.

  5. Presumably this is some kind of pointless political posturing. When the government makes decisions regarding our nuclear deterrent, I rather doubt that they consider the opinions of Brighton & Hove Council much.

  6. Here in Haringey, the council has voted that Haringey is in the middle of a "climate emergency" and followed up with a climate struggle plan (now out for public comment at ). Accordingly, the inhabitants of Haringey must do all they can to combat climate change. This continues, under another guise, Haringey's brave fight in the 1980s to make Haringey nuclear free.

    Money for the struggle? Who cares? After all it's a small minority of Haringey residents who have to put their hands in their pockets and actually pay for this rubbish. Haringey's councillors can depend for continued support from their "vulnerable minority" clients in the east of the borough (Labour voters) and the public/education sector parasites in the west (Liberal voters). Mind you, if we had a Conservative government, maybe some control over this kind of lunacy would be exercised. Instead we have Boris and his deluded fiancee running things.

  7. "...have you fully thought it through?"

    Probably not! 🤣

    "Wottabout the Chemical and Biological stuff?"

    They probably think that's OK because it's 'organic'!

    "Presumably this is some kind of pointless political posturing."

    Must be a day in Brighton with a 'y' in it...

    "Mind you, if we had a Conservative government..."

    Ah. Sadly, more and more of a pipe dream.
