Tuesday 26 January 2021

Yes, But What About Parking And Refuse Collections?

A new leader of Merton Council was officially appointed last night (Wednesday, November 18).
Councillor Mark Allison was chosen to succeed councillor Stephen Alambritis, who was the leader for 10 years.

And his plans for the borough? 

Cllr Allison was first elected to the council in 2002 and was previously deputy leader and cabinet member for finance.
He said: “I am proud to announce that next week I will launch Merton Together a joint campaign with our partners to support our residents.
“Together means being more inclusive, my wife and son are mixed race and I live in a mixed race family. The events of this year, from George Floyd to the treatment of black footballers have made us even more determined to fight for diversity and justice.
“These are my values and will be at the heart of my administration. I am delighted to announce the most diverse and ambitious cabinet in Merton’s 65 year history, two thirds women and more than half from an ethnic minority.”

Oh. I was hoping there'd be something in there about the things the people of Merton care about. Guess not. 


  1. Sounds like he is taking a leaf from the Kirklees guide to 'Why Appoint Whitey?' Ignoring those 10" deep road potholes can finance a surprising number of BAME courses in Looting and Compensation Culture.

  2. "The events of this year, from George Floyd......"
    Interesting that this pillock should refer to an American hardened, drug dealing, criminal, who held a gun against the belly of a pregnant black woman, and threatened her with gang rape, while her apartment was being ransacked. Instead, he could have referred to Secoria Taylor, a 5 year old black girl, KILLED BY A BLACK MAN, or David Dorn, a black retired Police officer, who was KILLED BY A BLACK MAN, while trying to stop rioters looting a neighbourhood convenience store, which owned by a black man.
    That this tunnel envisioned, single issue, waste of oxygen has in the past, and continues, to suck on the taxpayers teat disgusts me. Hopefully, it will also disgust those people who helped put him where he is. One more place to stay away from.

  3. "Sounds like he is taking a leaf from the Kirklees guide to 'Why Appoint Whitey?'..."

    It's - sadly - a winning game.

    "Hopefully, it will also disgust those people who helped put him where he is. "

    I doubt it.
