Thursday 18 February 2021

He Lives Up To His Name...

...being pretty wriggly on the facts of the case:

Detective Chief Inspector Mark Wrigley said on Friday: 'At the moment we have no other information than that. It was an unprovoked attack, certainly.
'It happened very, very quickly and Sven and his young friend were attacked for no reason that we know of at this time.
'There were six who attacked the two young men. The two who have been arrested have now been released on bail.'

And aren't named? 

'We are still conducting our inquiries to confirm the identity of all of those who took part.
'This group of young men came to that area and moved together as a group before the offence.
'The offence took place, I believe they left initially in a group together as well, so I believe they acted together.
'The group of males have been described as a mixture of white males and black males and that's the descriptions varying from different witnesses at the moment.'

There must be CCTV covering the area. Why haven't any images of these 'young men' been released to jog witnesses memories? 

Mr Wrigley said there will be extra patrols in areas where violent attacks have been carried out.
'We are doing everything we can in terms of dealing with young people who think it's okay to go out on the street with knives,' he said.
'Statistically, if you carry a knife, you are more likely to be a victim and obviously you're more likely to use it, so don't do it.'

Strong words, there. 


  1. The draconian liabilities imposed upon us through council and income taxes, to keep 'educatid' morons in overpaid state jobs, is directly proportional to employee stupidity.

    And dropping through your letterbox soon, new scandalous hikes to the police precept.

  2. The contrast with the post below speaks for itself: guys taking a leak on a painting of a dead thug is outrageously outrageous, meanwhile an innocent white kid gets murdered and suddenly the Sherlocks at the Met demand - in clear defiance of the law - that it's only a hate crime if it's signed off as one by a certified Hate Crime Detector

  3. "And dropping through your letterbox soon, new scandalous hikes to the police precept."

    There'll be hikes for EVERYTHING! This senseless lockdown is going to be costing us for decades.

    "'s only a hate crime if it's signed off as one by a certified Hate Crime Detector"

    Indeed! This is a very strange case, as no-one has yet come forward to claim any altercation occurred. I'm wondering if it's a 'mistaken identity' issue?
