Friday 12 March 2021

Still Planning On Bringing That Civil Action, Terence..?

Now your client has - deservedly - been found guilty?

Mombeyarara was handed an 18-month conditional discharge and ordered to pay £420 court costs.
His licence was endorsed and he was banned from driving for 56 days, but that was deemed served due to the intermediate ban imposed at the first court hearing.

Pathetic sentence, for a pathetic excuse for a man... 

Mombeyarara ... told the District Judge ... “I wanted to shield my son from the exposure to the police - I wasn’t stalling or delaying, I was just being silly. I just don’t trust the police.
“I just had a distaste for the police officer, he was rude, disrespectful and aggressive.”

But he wasn't driving at 72mph in a 30mph zone with an unrestrained child in the car and resisting arrest, so I know who I have a greater distaste for... 


  1. Regardless of numerous motoring offences, the case highlights the readiness with which plodscum will resort to using a Taser wrongfully; repeatedly firing it at a prostrate man who was ordered to perform physical tasks that were impossible for any immediate victim of this demonic device. The victims of a Taser blast will collapse without the reflex actions kicking in to help break their fall. And the plodscum firing the gun would, or should have known, that his victim would fall face down onto the concrete on which they both stood. Mr Mombeyarara did so fall, striking his face heavily against a kerb and could have died from those injuries or as a result of multiple tasering, or the combination of the two. Plodscum repeatedly tasered his victim in a savage act of deliberate torture that was fortunately recorded by a concerned bystander.

    One day, it may be your turn to experience this sort of all-too-frequent and inexcusable state violence, JuliaM. You will have to hope that some brave bystander records your treatment and suffering, otherwise you will have to content yourself with the police version of it.

    I hope the civil action proceeds and is successful. I keep fingers crossed that the trigger-happy plodscum loses his job and also faces criminal charges. A civil jury may well be tempted to recommend damages for this victim on the extreme end of the punitive scale. Most notably, the motoring offences were 'so serious' as to be despatched without any real punishment. Motoring offences DO NOT justify Police Brutality.

    Got it, Plod?

  2. I remember the outcry from the twitterati when this story came out. I wonder if there will be apologies all round now?
    He was technically over the drink-drive limit but the police don't prosecute when the driver is one point over, and he was very lightly punished for driving without insurance as well.
    I've been in this exact scenario (without taser) when certain "groups" use their child as a shield and then shift the blame to the police. No prizes for guessing who I am talking about.

  3. You're ranting Melvin. It's getting embarrassing.

  4. I still believe there was no need to use taser on this man.

    I totally agree with Melvin.

    Well said Melv.

  5. "I just had a distaste for the police officer, he was rude, disrespectful and aggressive"

    There (and there only) I have some sympathy for this chap. Its a pound to a penny the policeman was rude, disrespectful and aggressive. Its their standard mode of operation these days with motorists. Never with people like pikeys of course, they might get their heads kicked in.............

  6. Jaded, instead of commenting on here you should be out looking for Melvin's lawnmower. He's never been the same since it was nicked.

  7. "Regardless of numerous motoring offences, the case highlights the readiness with which plodscum will resort to using a Taser wrongfully"

    What should they use with the recalcitrant, harsh language?

    Policing involves getting hands on with people who don't want to be stopped from doing as they please. We can't afford to simply wait them out like they were toddlers.

    "One day, it may be your turn to experience this sort of all-too-frequent and inexcusable state violence, JuliaM. "

    I very much doubt it, because I'm not arrogant or stupid. If I'm told to do something by someone with the duty to make me comply I'll do it, and complain later if I feel it's not warranted..

    "I've been in this exact scenario (without taser) when certain "groups" use their child as a shield..."

    That should have been another thing this vile creature was charged with!

    "There (and there only) I have some sympathy for this chap."

    No doubt, but there are ways of doing things if you feel wronged. He chose...poorly.

  8. @ JuliaM

    Chercher la petite bê you are feeling 'that way out', chéri? Better to have vented the usual sabbatical irascibility on Cressida, who in scatter-brain efforts to reduce the local incidence of civil liquidations, has now done a U-turn by obliging her plod squad to remain indoors.

  9. I would imagine Melvin's lawnmower was shipped abroad or at least had it's identity cloned and then sold onto the black market.

  10. It's true that when they are not gratifying perverse fantasies or engaged in murderous rages, criminal plod can make fortunes selling drugs or cloned property.

  11. In-between dealing drugs and murdering people Melvin I have a lucrative side-line in selling stolen lawnmowers .
    Your pacemaker must have been working overtime when you found out that a policeman was charged with murder this week. You can now label us all the same as him now like you do when a black man or a Muslim etc etc commits a crime-oh no wait you're not allowed to do that are you?
