Saturday 10 April 2021

Something's Been Hijacked, If Not The Nave Andromeda...

Remember this incident?
...16 members of the elite Navy force, the Special Boat Service, based only a few miles away in Poole, Dorset, were hailed as heroes for bringing the incident to a swift conclusion after they fast roped down on to the deck of the ship from helicopters while snipers in another helicopter patrolled above.

Well, we can't let that stand, can we? Our armed forces, heroes? Good grief!  

Politicians and human rights campaigners have called for an inquiry into the incident.

Of course they have! But, dear Reader, it's not into how a bunch of illegal immigrants got close to our shores, oh, dear me, no...

One of the stowaways, John*, who has now claimed asylum, said that on the day of the SBS raid he and the six other stowaways were locked in a cabin, as they had been for the previous 12 days since being discovered while tying themselves to the exterior of the ship. “Everything was very quiet on the ship. We thought maybe the crew had left because the ship was sinking and they were leaving us to drown. We shouted but nobody came. We waited for many hours and then broke down the cabin door and went up on deck,” said the 27-year-old.


All seven had tied themselves to the exterior of the ship using strong ropes in the early hours of 5 October when the vessel was docked in Lagos, Nigeria.

Wait, if they were discovered in Nigeria, why weren't they thrown ashore? This doesn't add up. 

They were not discovered until the ship docked in Spain where they were taken on board the ship by the captain.

So they weren't discovered in Nigeria? And why did the captain not offload them in Spain? 

He said all seven of the stowaways were shocked when the SBS arrived. “They came down from the chopper like they were going to war. They had guns and they couldn’t let us look into their faces. They told us to lie belly down on the deck. There’s nobody on the planet who wouldn’t have been frightened about that.”

I wouldn't. But then I'm not attempting to break the law of their country... 

John’s claim for asylum and as a victim of trafficking is under consideration. He said: “If they take me back to Nigeria my life will be in critical danger. I will lose my life. I am a strong Christian. ”

Now, I'm not a believer in anything, but isn't there something in the Bible about 'bearing false witness'? And obeying the laws of the country you find yourself in? I'm pretty sure there is. 

James Wilson, acting director of the charity Detention Action, which provided support for John while he was detained, said: “This debacle raises serious questions that the government now needs to answer. The lack of a credible or verified threat is deeply concerning and the situation appears to have been badly mishandled. The public and our military deserve an urgent inquiry into how and why the home secretary took a decision to deploy elite forces against vulnerable asylum seekers to stop a hijack that never happened.”

The only 'serious questions' it raises is just who funds the likes of you, and your 'charity', James... 


  1. Illegals trying to take charge of an oil tanker in the solent is a high risk to the environment (anyone remember the Torrey Canyon?), let alone the crew. I would have thought their greenie friends would have thought this justified using minimal force (The Met use worse for lockdown protests!)

  2. Shhhhh... that's the question you're not allowed to ask. Equally, the Russians funded Brexit - somehow - but we're not allowed to ask how a piece of crap like Shamima Begum can fund a string of lawsuits using top shelf lawfirms despite having no apparent income.

    Meanwhile, in so far as Direct Action support illegal immigration, what are the odds that anyone would be able to not only set up an organisation to support tax evaders, but even get it given charitable status?

  3. "to stop a hijack that never happened" yes they stopped it

  4. They were not discovered until the ship docked in Spain where they were taken on board the ship by the captain.

    They were roped to the outside of the ship all the way from Lagos to Spain?

  5. "I would have thought their greenie friends would have thought this justified using minimal force..."

    Your mistake, it appears, is asuming them capable of thought...

    "Shhhhh... that's the question you're not allowed to ask."

    Which makes me want to ask it over and over...

    "They were roped to the outside of the ship all the way from Lagos to Spain?"

    Doesn't pass the smell test, does it?
