Saturday 22 May 2021

That Diversity Hire Programme Going Well, Eh..?

A police officer has been struck from the force without notice following a fast-tracked misconduct hearing.

Oh, another one? They are like buses, aren't they? So, what did this one do to get fast tracked? 

Former PC Melissa Sanchez Marulanda, 29, was off-duty when she launched an attack on a fellow officer who she repeatedly struck in the face.

Ah. Yeah. That'll do it a lot faster than if she'd assaulted a member of the public! 

How'd this happen, anyway? Argument in the canteen over the last bacon roll?

Met Police were called to a property in Croydon, south London, after receiving a silent emergency call last July. They met the former probationer at the site, along with two other people, and explained that they needed to ensure the welfare of those inside.
However when they tried to enter, they were pushed and Sanchez Marulanda physically attacked one of the officers.

Curiouser and curiouser... 

“Although PC Melissa Sanchez Marulanda was only weeks into her career as a Metropolitan Police officer, her behaviour displayed none of the qualities we expect in our officers,” said Chief Inspector Matt Cox, from the Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards.
A lack of self-control, ill-discipline and a disregard for the law. She pleaded guilty to assaulting a colleague, and has now had to face the consequences of her actions; and an end to her policing career.

Really? It sems to be the type you're planning on attracting these days.  


  1. Sacked? Any different outcome would seriously undermine the Filth's reputation. I mean, they could never condone a single instance of uniformed thuggery. Oh, hang on...

  2. Yes but what was the issue? She just didn't like police?

  3. Slightly off topic, I understand the probationary female Police officer who shouted "Free Palestine" will not lose her job ad the officers who "took the knee" were never disciplined. There is a great difference in these acts. The first lot were cravenly giving in to a baying mob in the hope that they would be the last to be beaten up, while the female was taking an active part in a political scenario, something that is, or was in my day, forbidden under Police regulations. I wonder if the decision had been the same if a Police officer had shouted something like, "Destroy Hamas and the Palestinian terrorists"? I must hint out my "I heart Tel Aviv".

  4. "Sacked? Any different outcome would seriously undermine the Filth's reputation."

    Kind of hard to do that these days...

    "Yes but what was the issue? She just didn't like police?"

    There's a few colleagues I don't much like in work, yet I can restrain myself from assaulting them.

    Mind you, it's hard to do that when you're working from home!

    "There is a great difference in these acts."

    Maybe, but both stem from the same basic source: lack of discipline and a disregarding of Peelian principles.
