Wednesday 2 June 2021

But It Was Cool When Indiana Jones Did It!

A witness told the ECHO that a man was attacked with an axe and a samurai sword during an arranged fight at the National Trust site.
He said: "The lad who was losing the fight pulled out an axe and hit the other lad with it.
His mate then pulled out a samurai sword and used that too. It was bad."

It's like the 'Vikings' and 'Highlander' crossover we didn't know we needed, isn't it? Ah, Liverpool! Don't ever change...


  1. Now I believe that you could conceal a small axe about your person if you were wearing trendy baggy clothing.
    But how can a samurai sword be concealed ready to be pulled out?
    Was this chap hobbling along with a really stiff leg? Or walking with an unusually straight back?

  2. Boys will be boys? So don't give them axes and swords and tell them to fight?

  3. "But how can a samurai sword be concealed ready to be pulled out?"

    Duncan McLeod always managed it in the tv show! That big leather coat helped, I expect..
