Monday 14 June 2021

Don't You Think We've Been Patient Enough?

The Prime Minister will confirm that the June 21 Freedom Day has been delayed until July 19 in 'one last heave' of restrictions following a sharp rise in cases of the Indian variant, Westminster sources said last night. Ignoring a mounting revolt by Tory MPs and dire warnings from the hospitality and theatre industries, Mr Johnson will argue that scrapping all restrictions now is likely to fuel the surge – and the public needs to be 'patient' so the country does not go into reverse.

Funny how none of the G7 attendees seemed to stick to the rules they tell us are so important to prevent covid, eh? I guess no one told them about the Indiant variant...  

A surge in the next few weeks would damage the NHS, as emergency departments have warned they are struggling with significant demand at the moment, The Guardian reports.

Probably people who can't get into their GP, since they seem to be ignoring the government's advice that everyone else is still obeying... 

It comes after Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said at the weekend that he could not give an 'absolute guarantee' that social distancing measures would be lifted by the end of August – prompting fears restrictions could roll on into the autumn.

Even if these people do magnanimously lift restrictions on July 19, what's the betting they impose them again in autumn when 'normal' flu season rolls in?

Once you realise you can control people, you are never ever going to relinquish that power. 


  1. I thought we had a 3-week curfew to "flatten the curve" in March 2020. After 17 months it must be almost flattened out of existence. Especially because our much-loved NHS has eschewed most of its other responsibilities during that time.

  2. Since no one has seen a full breakdown of the Wu-flu virus one has to wonder how they know there is an 'Indian variant'? Is it based on the rise in the number of real cases caused by the upped use of experimental so called 'vaccines' and the reduction of the usage of 'Ivermectin' and 'HCQ + zinc + vit D' all of which are banned in the UK because they don't have active patents and so don't add anything to big phama profits.

    I think what we need to aware of is the next big variant - 'the bojo variant' that will cause everyone in the country to be locked in their houses for ever especially since the real science has proved that lockdown and masks are useless against viral infections.

  3. Ivan. I'm seeing stuff that leads me to believe that you may well be incorrect about the isolation of SARS Covid 2. You do not need a full test tube of virus or do electron microscopy studies to show the existence of or to sequence the genome of a virus, an isolate of the virus will suffice. Pub Med, which is normally reliable in these matters states that the virus was isolated very very early on in the pandemic.

    Also a search of pub med doesn't give any definitive full fat facts as to the effectiveness in humans of Invermectin or any other other claimed 'wonder drugs' against covid. Most of the studies on Pub Med look exceedingly speculative or early stage to me. I fear that those who cling on to a belief in hcq / invermectin etc are effective as cures for covid are similar in belief to those who believed that AZT could slow the progress of AIDS long after it was proven that not only did AZT not work as intended but had godawful side effects.

    I am extremely annoyed at the delay to reopening of the nation and the economy. The only possible way it can be excused is to allow more people to get their second shot of covid vaccine earlier than would otherwise be the case. This is because from some of the figures I've seen, there is a lesser chance of serious illness from the Indian variant to those who have had the full rather than a partial course of vaccinations.

    The rapid spread of the Indian variant is in large part down to utter incompetence and stupidity on the part of HMG. At a time when Britain should have had strong borders in order to slow the spread of different variants of covid until vaccination of the population had been completely achieved Britain had defacto open borders to people coming from areas where there were covid variants of concern.

    The current vaccines work and it's looking like future vaccines will be even better and give better protection. However they need to be administered and the UK government lags behind nations like Israel in vaccine take up. Maybe the government should waste less money on worthless guff like diversity and inclusion staff in the NHS and instead use that money to support those who are self employed who are at present (and I've recently spoken to such people in person) extremely disadvantaged with regards vaccination. Some are shying away from being vaccinated because they can't afford to take time off from their work should they get a minor side effect from vaccination that prevents them from working for even one day.

  4. Q1. Did Matt Hancock's sister win a government contract to supply PPE?
    Q2. Does Matt Hancock own 20% of his sister's company?
    Q3. Did Matt Hancock agree with delaying opening the country?
    Q4. Does Matt Hancock's sister have a warehouse still full of unsold PPE?
    Q5. How much money has Matt Hancock personally gained because of this pandemic?
    Asking for a friend.

  5. Penseivat. There has indeed been a bit too much backstratching seeming to go on. Whether this alleged backscratching has had any negative effect on either the response to covid or has unjustly enriched ministers, only time and the stepping down from office of those targeted by allegations, will tell.

    Government's not only need to be not corrupt but also need to be seen to be not corrupt and much of what has gone on with ministers and their associates, even if uiltimately within the walls and innocent, unfortunately gives the impression to the public of corruption.

  6. Boris let thousands of infected people into the UK from India so of course there was a rise in cases. Politicians crave power above all else and the virus has given them more power over the plebs than they ever dreamed possible. Don't expect them to give it back any time soon.

  7. "Especially because our much-loved NHS has eschewed most of its other responsibilities during that time."

    There's a big reckoning coming.

    "Since no one has seen a full breakdown of the Wu-flu virus one has to wonder how they know there is an 'Indian variant'?"


    "The only possible way it can be excused is to allow more people to get their second shot of covid vaccine earlier than would otherwise be the case. "

    Having taken part in this, I'm astounded to say it's the most well-run part of the NHS, ever! Why can't they do it in their day-to-day running too?

    "Asking for a friend."


    "Politicians crave power above all else and the virus has given them more power over the plebs than they ever dreamed possible."

    Indeed. It has succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
