Friday 11 June 2021

How Did It Ever Get To Court In The First Place?

A man accused of trolling Katie Price's disabled son Harvey was today found not guilty at a trial after the court heard he had shared the video clip as a joke.
Because it was - clearly, and perfectly obviously to anyone who bothered to check - a skit on an incident that actually happened with her and her son on 'Loose Women'.
The ex-model told MailOnline that the outcome at Hastings Magistrates' Court was a 'blow' but insisted it 'only drives me onwards to fight for what is right - for justice'.

You think 'justice' is hounding a person through the court system for mocking you and your offspring? Who the hell do you think you are?  

The defendant, Philip Lewer, allegedly shared the video on Twitter last November after receiving it over WhatsApp - and Sussex Police arrested him ten hours later.

Wow! Try getting the police to make an arrest that quickly if you've been burgled! 

It was a bad day all round for the reality-deniers, as Maya Forstater won her appeal. Not that that puts them off, though:: 

Amanda Glassman, Chief Executive Officer of CGDE and Executive Vice President of CGD, said: 'The decision is disappointing and surprising because we believe Judge Tayler got it right when he found this type of offensive speech causes harm to trans people, and therefore could not be protected under the Equality Act.
'Today's decision is a step backwards for inclusivity and equality for all. We're currently considering the various paths forward with our lawyers.'

If it causes 'harm' to trans people when other people point out that you can't physically change sex, that's just too bad. Because you simply can't. And persecuting people for this is like persecuting them for believing in gravity


  1. I believe that serial monogamists with children by multiple fathers are just as much whores as if they hadn't 'married' (or not, as is sometimes the case, and probably is with certain former models). The men who frequent them are the male equivalent.

    In the case of the person cited, she has made her son a media figure and thereby an income-earner, which perhaps should remove some of the protections society gives to the disabled.

    The police in following up on the complaint simply disgust me.

  2. I'm seriously pleased that at last a court has seen sense and found this defendant not guilty. I'm also even more surprised to find that it was a Magistrates Court that cleared him. Usually Magistrates Courts are all too willing to believe the sort of 'hate crime' and speech crime guff that the police and the CPS present to them.

    Oh and Katie Price is not fighting for 'justice', she's fighting for censorship and a situation where she and those like her can be the censors.

  3. Don't forget, either, the deep thinkers at the CPS who decided to push the "case" to court.

  4. She'll end up getting another reality show about this injustice to help pay off her massive debts.
    I hate the word skank but sometimes it just hits the spot.

  5. Maya Forstater's position is not one of belief, it is one of biological fact. If this harms those with wafer thin skins, they they need to take a good hard look at themselves. The original judgement was nothing short of appalling.

  6. "In the case of the person cited, she has made her son a media figure and thereby an income-earner, which perhaps should remove some of the protections society gives to the disabled."

    Spot on!

    "I'm also even more surprised to find that it was a Magistrates Court that cleared him. Usually Magistrates Courts are all too willing to believe the sort of 'hate crime' and speech crime guff that the police and the CPS present to them."

    Occasionally, they like to bare their teeth to 'prove' their independence...

    "She'll end up getting another reality show about this injustice to help pay off her massive debts."

    Absolutely no doubt!

    "The original judgement was nothing short of appalling."

    It's been a bitter week for the Gender Warriors. I'm glad to say.
