Monday 7 June 2021

How'd You Like Them Chickens, Eh..?

When they come home to roost...

Trinity Ottoson-Smith was playing in the backyard of her Minneapolis neighborhood May 15 when she was struck by a stray bullet. The nine-years-old was caught in the crossfire of a shoot-out as gun-toting thugs drove along the alleyway behind her friend's house in this pretty neighborhood. She died last Thursday.
Trinity was the second child to be shot in Minneapolis in three weeks. Six-year-old Aniya Allen was shot May 17 and died the following day. She took a bullet to the head as she ate McDonald's in her mother's car.
Ten-year-old LaDavionne Garrett Jr. was shot in the head while sitting in his parents' car April 30.

Well, at least they weren't accidentally killed by a white policeman. But then again, they were probably too young to have racked up Floyd's impressive criminal record... 

There have been 36 homicides so far this year, more than double the number at this point last year and more than four times that seen in 2019.
Car-jackings are up a staggering 222 per cent. Shootings have risen 153 per cent. Eighty per cent of the victims are black.

Are we all expected to be sorry that you got what you demanded? Because, frankly, I'm not. 

Local activist Marcus X, one of the organizers, told, 'This is what's known as the Derek Chauvin effect.'
'There's shootings every single day and the summer hasn't even started. All the police have PTSD, they've left, you don't see police patrolling here. I know it and the gangs know it,' he said. 'I could shoot someone right now and walk five blocks home before the police would even come.'
'The police have left and it's unleashed the gangs.'

 Damn, I need a bigger one!


  1. A truly shocking article.

    Only 80% of the victims are black, although that does include the 3 children named above.

    A proof, if we needed one, that BLDMAFF - Black Lives Don't Matter a Flying Fuck ... to Blacks.

  2. Penise and WC Jaded will undoubtedly encourage more pig-ignorant gloating, Juliam. Perhaps you need to finally make up your way or the plod 'services' before your odious perch on the fence results in a barb tearing you another arse.

  3. They get what they voted for.

  4. This the outcome that many of us suspected would come from the 'Defund the Police' campaign. Middle class blacks and uber liberal whites which make up the bulk of support of the BLM/Marxists have created a situation where innocent working class black Americans end up being victimised by gangs. This illustrates what many of us already believed which is that BLM don't give a damn about the black lives lost to crime, to BLM it seems only some black lives matter.

  5. I'm not religious, but on occasions a Bible quote just seems to fit the bill.

    "Those who plow iniquity
    and sow trouble reap the same."
    Job 4:8

    Like you I have little sympathy. What did they think would happen if they got rid of the police force?

  6. "Eighty per cent of the victims are black"

    And the criminals?

  7. They get what they didn't necessarily vote for.

  8. @Bucko - probably close to 100%, i'll warrant.

  9. I'm not surprised. Get rid of the police and some other force takes over. Welcome to Dystopia 2021.

  10. "A proof, if we needed one, that BLDMAFF - Black Lives Don't Matter a Flying Fuck ... to Blacks."

    Spot on!

    "Perhaps you need to finally make up your way or the plod 'services'..."

    I made it up long ago, well before I saw this.

    "They get what they voted for."

    If any of them bothered to vote...

    "This the outcome that many of us suspected would come from the 'Defund the Police' campaign. "

    Yup! It was inevitable.

    "Like you I have little sympathy. What did they think would happen if they got rid of the police force?"

    They didn't think. They probably don't live in the areas blighted by gang culture, so why should they care?

    ""Eighty per cent of the victims are black"

    And the criminals?"

    Almost entirely the same!

    "Welcome to Dystopia 2021."

    And they are indeed welcome to it.
