Tuesday 1 June 2021

Inaccuracy In Headlines....

Wouldn't a more accurate headline be 'Partygoer shot in gang feud'..?

Prosecutor Carol Udenze said: “This offence happened on May 23 at an address where a lady was shot in the head and another person was shot in the foot – this was at a house party.
“The crown’s case is that the defendant in agreement with others conspired to murder somebody at that address.”
A political assassination? No.
Ms Udenze confirmed the police do not believe Ms Johnson was the intended victim.

Happens a lot in enriched, vibrant London. It's a dangerous place. 


  1. "... a lady was shot in the head and another person was shot in the foot..."

    So, on average, their marksmanship wasn't bad.

  2. She isn't a lady and she isn't an equal rights activist. She is a nasty black supremacist.

  3. Surely a better and more accurate headline would be 'Man appears in court charged with accidentally shooting massive racist'?

  4. I think you're going to need a molecular-sized violin for this, Julia.

  5. It is indeed a dangerous place - to be having 'house parties' in a time of pandemic.
    How many were at the party, was it indoors, who organised it? If they had obeyed the Covid restrictions, chances are the injured 'lady' would not have been there to become injured. We look forward to that detail emerging and appropriate action taken against any offenders, regardless of their ethnicity - but we're not holding our breath.

  6. Of course there's a demographic that will have skimmed the headlines, nodded, said to themselves 'there we go again, white supremacists getting away with murder' and moved on without ever checking the actual story.

    Job done.

  7. Whatever the outcome here it will be the police at fault. Apparently we weren't taking death threats against her seriously. Oh dear,never mind.

  8. "So, on average, their marksmanship wasn't bad."

    On a par with the 'trained marksmen' of the Met!

    "She isn't a lady and she isn't an equal rights activist. She is a nasty black supremacist."

    Spot on!

    "Surely a better and more accurate headline would be 'Man appears in court charged with accidentally shooting massive racist'?"


    "I think you're going to need a molecular-sized violin for this, Julia."

    It's a shame for her children, I suppose.

    "If they had obeyed the Covid restrictions, chances are the injured 'lady' would not have been there to become injured. "

    If she hadn't already bred, it'd be a Darwin for sure.

    "...and moved on without ever checking the actual story."

    I doubt they bother to read the papers!

    "Whatever the outcome here it will be the police at fault. Apparently we weren't taking death threats against her seriously."

    Why should you have been? Most turn out to be hoaxes!
