Wednesday 30 June 2021

Keeping It In The Family...

Jones has 12 convictions for 23 offences including assault against his own parents.
He was handed 30 weeks custody suspended for two years after pleading guilty to causing actual bodily harm and criminal damage at a previous hearing.

I guess this time it wasn't so serious? 

The judge told Jones, who has been on remand following his arrest in February, the assault was “sustained abuse.”
“The police attended at the address following three calls including two abandoned 999 calls,”
Recorder Allison Russell said. “As your mother tried calling the police you took her phone, squared up to her and subjected her to further abuse, saying: ‘what are you going to do now? You are nothing.
“You forcibly pulled out the catheter, an assault causing her great pain.”
“This was a sustained assault with repeated occasions of verbal and physical abuse.”

What does it take to put this worthless scum where he belongs? 


  1. I see absolutely no reason why this lump of excrescence should be maintained in any way at public expense. If that means it expires, then so be it.

  2. Robert the Biker30 June 2021 at 12:43

    What it takes is a few lads giving a thorough kicking, law and order has failed, let’s try object lessons

  3. Note that this awful thug got a sentence considerably less than those who are less than complimentary towards the 'religion of peace' get. Surely a case of wrong priorities?

  4. "If that means it expires, then so be it."


    " and order has failed, let’s try object lessons..."

    When law and order breaks down, it's never pretty.

    "Note that this awful thug got a sentence considerably less than those who are less than complimentary towards the 'religion of peace' get. Surely a case of wrong priorities?"

