Thursday 3 June 2021

Today's 'YCMIU' Story...

Spain's postal service has been accused of racism​...

Why, what did they do? Refuse to deliver letters to black people? 

...after issuing a set of unequally priced skin-coloured stamps.

Heh! This is, predictably, a futile attempt to curry favour and jump on the 'equality' bandwagon to earn some virtuesignalling points. 

And - as these things so often do - it all went horribly wrong... 

State-owned Correos Espana introduced the set of four stamps on the anniversary of George Floyd's death, saying the "Equality Stamps" would "send a message against racial inequality".
The stamps are priced differently, with the lightest colour costing €1.60 (£1.38) and the darkest €0.70 (60p). Critics said the initiative was racist as it suggests that darker colours are of less value.

Maybe the lesson here is 'Stick to what your job is, and stop trying to appease people who will never be satisfied'..? 


  1. It's like a race to the bottom to see who can exhibit the deepest levels of stupidity.

  2. What's the Spanish for " Go and fuck yourself and the racist horse you rode in on"?

  3. "It's like a race to the bottom to see who can exhibit the deepest levels of stupidity."

    And I fear we aren't anywhere near the bottom yet!

    "What's the Spanish for " Go and fuck yourself and the racist horse you rode in on"?"

