Thursday 17 June 2021

Vile Dangerous Beasts...

And their dogs...
A blind family dog has died after it was ‘mauled by illegal Pit Bull Terriers’ in a park attack that left a dad injured and a mum and child traumatised.
Sonia Faleiro was allegedly told ‘get over it mate’ after her beloved Jack Russell Terrier Zoey was left covered in blood with her ear hanging off in the attack in Norwood Park, south London.
Her husband Ulrik was also bit (sic) by one of the three unmuzzled dogs when he tried to help Zoey and their four-year-old daughter was chased.

Typical dogs, typical owners... 

Sonia asked the owners to wait as she called 999 – but was told to ‘get over it mate’ by one, while another told the family ‘it was their fault for being in the park’.
The owners allegedly fled the scene, despite Sonia’s efforts to make them stay.

Typical situation too... 

After posting about her horrifying experience online, Sonia claims to have been contacted by locals who say they and their dogs have suffered non-serious injuries after being attacked by the same animals in the past.

And what are the people who are supposed to keep us safe doing about it? 

A statement from the Met Police said: ‘Police were called at 5.30pm on Monday, 7 June to Norwood Park SE27 after a woman reported that her dog had been attacked by two other dogs.
‘The dogs were then allegedly placed on leads by a man who left the scene with a woman and two children.
‘The woman’s dog later died. There have been no arrests at this time. Enquiries continue.’

Thought so. Ignoring the fact a person was injured, so they can continue their policy of lying that 'we can't do anything about dog on dog attacks'... 


  1. Last time I asked a man to control his dog which was terrorising my dog and myself in the park he told me " shut your mouth or I will knock you out". Call the police, you must be joking they can't be bothered these days. I note with interest they didn't bother with this case either. Institutionally racist, institutionally corrupt and now it seems institutionally idle.

  2. Friendless, lard-arsed, idle, smelly and according to the Old Testament, 'unclean'.

    But when consumed in a hot bacon butty, pigs are definitely peerless.

  3. "Institutionally racist, institutionally corrupt and now it seems institutionally idle."

    Well said!

  4. The local Plods are too busy sitting on their arses trawling Twitter for hurty-words going after soft targets who won't riot or call them waaaycist or phobic giving the illusion of activity, having abandoned the streets years ago.
