Saturday 3 July 2021

Attention-Seekers Get Attention, But Don't Like It...

Police are investigating an alleged hate crime after a 14-year-old pupil said they were branded a 'tranny' and attacked with hand sanitiser in the classroom.
Emily Wilkinson-Quinn, 14, is 'completely traumatised' and has taken time away from school after they were targeted over their sexuality, family claim.
Worried mum Natasha-Jayne Wilkinson, 34, said Emily was followed into their classroom by a male classmate and attacked.
What is it with this family and their hyphens?
Natasha-Jayne said Emily, who has shaven hair, has been bullied after coming out as gay to classmates last year.

She's 14. And 'coming out' isn't enough, I suppose? She has to declare herself by appearance too. 

Natasha-Jayne claimed it took the school more than a week to identify the pupil responsible - and he was only suspended from school for five days.

What should they have done, flogged him until he passed out during morning assembly? 

A spokesperson for the school's headteacher said: 'The school is unable lawfully, and does not propose, to comment on an entirely confidential matter which involves the welfare of children.'

While no doubt muttering, under theie breath:"...but we can't stop the mother from spouting off to every eager journalist who'll listen in her quest for publicity and her daughter's martyrdom on the cross of genderwar." 


  1. A shaved head Shirley...?

  2. She could always have claimed that the shaven head and lesbian claim was to cover up that she'd had an appalling case of nits, requiring head shaving (viz. 'Capstick comes home' - play to the end). On the other hand, nits give you no Brownie Points.

    Things were better in the past, of course. Remember that George of the Famous Five insisted on being called Master George and wore boys' clothes. She was never hassled, despite miscellaneous being tied up incidents. Oh, wait. That makes her a self-declared tranny, not a lezzer.

    All this business is so confusing.

  3. Robert the Biker3 July 2021 at 12:31

    One of the many failings of the fruit loops is that they think that everyone else MUST think that they're all brave and wonderful for inflicting their mental problems on the rest of the world.

  4. This poor girl. As if being 14 is not challenging enough! Attention seeking mum should be ashamed! This should have been handled quietly and privately with sensitivity. Now this circus will be this girl's defining moment.

  5. The boy doesn't know the difference between L and T. In later life he may struggle to understand the difference between G and Q - I don't. As for B? Well, who knows.

    The real point is that 14 year olds shouldn't parade their sexuality at school.

  6. There seems to be a lot of victim blaming going on here. People should be able to be honest about their sexuality and to be able to have whatever hairstyle they like without being victimised by blockheads.


    What should they have done, flogged him until he passed out during morning assembly?"

    Works for me.

  7. "A shaved head Shirley...?"

    'Education, education, education' strikes again!

    "All this business is so confusing."

    As intended, no doubt!

    "One of the many failings of the fruit loops is that they think that everyone else MUST think that they're all brave and wonderful for inflicting their mental problems on the rest of the world."

    Yes! We've gone from 'tolerance' to 'enforced celebration'. So of course there's going to be a backlash.

    "This poor girl. As if being 14 is not challenging enough! Attention seeking mum should be ashamed! "

    We abolished shame. And are now reaping the 'rewards' of that decision.

    "The real point is that 14 year olds shouldn't parade their sexuality at school."

    Spot on!

    "There seems to be a lot of victim blaming going on here. People should be able to be honest about their sexuality and to be able to have whatever hairstyle they like without being victimised by blockheads."

    Not at all. It's basic reality - kids will pick on differences. Stand out from the crowd and what happens? And at 14, she should know this, and if she doesn't, her mother should.

    But this pair are happy to bathe in the spotlight. It's creepy, and wrong.

    "What should they have done, flogged him until he passed out during morning assembly?"

    Works for me."

    Not for me. The punishment the school inflicted was proportionate.

    1. Of course the 'works for me' part was a joke, I'm worried now that not everybody will realise and will think that I'm a brutal sadist.

  8. I have to disagree Julia. No punishment was inflicted by the school, the offender got a week off school and then returned to a situation whereby his very presence will have signalled that no consequences followed his bad conduct.

  9. Both the victim and perpetrator are children. Being 14 is a tricky time when all of us are working out who we are. The adults should be supporting both sides through this, sensitively. Full glare of media attention not providing that to either. Victim's mother is attention seeking. More for her own profile than her daughter's.

  10. Back when Stony was at school in the 1970s, suspension or expulsion were the more extreme measures that were only applied to the really incorrigible kids when whacking them hadn't worked.

  11. "I have to disagree Julia. No punishment was inflicted by the school..."

    You don't regard exclusion as a punishment?

    "...I'm worried now that not everybody will realise and will think that I'm a brutal sadist."


    "Both the victim and perpetrator are children."

    Exactly! Though maturity seems to creep up fast these days, it's well to remember it's only physical maturity...

    "...suspension or expulsion were the more extreme measures that were only applied to the really incorrigible kids when whacking them hadn't worked."

    Ah, the good old days!

  12. Have to say mum was a great ride! Having spent many nights with her in Cyprus on work she was very entertaining
