Saturday 31 July 2021

I Thought Lawyers Were Taught Never To Ask A Question If They Didn't Know The Answer..?

I guess not...


  1. Nice one Julia, classic ambush predator!

  2. The only good news is that Lokar will be deported.

    So effectively, he will be out of the UK for as long as he wants to be.

  3. The question in most lawyers minds is how much legal aid cash can I make out of this. As a profession they long ago surrendered any trace of respect from the general public.

  4. Q. What do you have if a shyster (collective name) of lawyers are buried up to their necks in sand?
    A. Not enough sand.

  5. "Nice one Julia, classic ambush predator!"


    "So effectively, he will be out of the UK for as long as he wants to be."

    With Border Farce in change, undoubtedly!

    "As a profession they long ago surrendered any trace of respect from the general public."

    Until you need one, of course!

    "A. Not enough sand."

