Saturday 10 July 2021

The Only Remorse She Feels Now, Judge, Is For Herself...

Audi driver Leanne Webb, 36, of Wychall Lane, Birmingham, was jailed on Friday at Wolverhampton Crown Court for four years and four months.
Charlotte Whittle, now 31, suffered brain damage while returning home to Quinton, Birmingham, in her Kia Venga with her 20-month-old daughter, Harper, on May 8, 2019.
She was doing 104mph in a 50mph zone.
Webb initially denied being at fault and even blamed Charlotte for turning across her path.
Through the trial she admitted dangerous driving but claimed she'd been under duress.

A likely story. 

Desmond Lennon, defending Webb, said the speeding was of an 'exceptional nature' and was not something 'she had done regularly'.

A jury made up of drivers who have encountered Audi drivers before aren't going to believe that...  

Judge Barry Berlin, said he rejected, as the jury did, her 'crocodile tears' as she pretended to show remorse for the victims early on in the case but accepted she felt some remorse now.

For herself. I guarantee it.


  1. "A jury made up of drivers who have encountered Audi drivers before aren't going to believe that... "

    The day I encounter one sticking to the speed limit, observing lane discipline & using indicators correctly I'll get suspicious...

  2. I spend several hours a week doing Speedwatch duties with some lovely friends.

    The losers eventually get visits from plod, but we still think we might save one such tosser getting to kill someone.

    I sometimes wonder if it's worth it all, but then, seeing a kid dying in the road isn't nice. Luckily I haven't but soon will if KCC don't actually get off their arses and do something rather than pay their people huge sums for doing bugger all.

    (Was that a rant, Scrobs, or just an observation)?

  3. microdave: When you find an Audi or BMW lining those three up the odds are that it'll be an unmarked fuzzmobile!

  4. "The day I encounter one sticking to the speed limit, observing lane discipline & using indicators correctly I'll get suspicious..."

    You, and every traffic cop in the UK! 🤣

    "...but soon will if KCC don't actually get off their arses and do something rather than pay their people huge sums for doing bugger all."

    But then how could they afford all the diversity bollocks? 😒

    "When you find an Audi or BMW lining those three up the odds are that it'll be an unmarked fuzzmobile!"

    Good point!
