Thursday 19 August 2021

He's Not The Only One Sticking Up Two Fingers To Justice, Is He?

A drunk driver who left a mum and daughter with devastating injuries in a horror crash flicked the middle finger after he escaped jail.
Scott Roe, 39, rammed his Mercedes CLA220 into an Audi at 60mph after he "got bored" of travelling behind another vehicle that was sticking to the 30mph speed limit.

First offence, perhaps?  

The 39-year-old, who had two previous convictions for drink driving, admitted two charges of causing serious injury by dangerous driving and drink driving at Warwick Crown Court.


He was given a 16-month jail term, suspended for 18 months, and was ordered to do 150 hours of unpaid work at the sentencing on August 6.

So, why the excessive leniency? Is the mitigation amazing? 

Andrew Wilkins, defending, said: "It's a case in which it is a cascade of things that go wrong."

For the women, the innocent victims, yes. For this worthless scum, not so much... 

"It all starts to go wrong when he makes the decision to drive after drinking."

Well, he'd done it twice before with no real consequences, after all... 

"Once he had done that he then, perhaps as a consequence, makes the decision to overtake a vehicle that's moving too slowly for his liking, and he does so at speed."

Strange sort of 'mitigation', this... 

"Mr Roe is horrified at the consequences of his actions."

He didn't seem very remorseful leaving court, did he? 

H/T: David Bain via email 


  1. "Mr Roe is horrified at the consequences of his actions."

    What consequences?

  2. I see this sort of driving almost every day but luckily it often doesn't end with a crash. Driving at the speed limit these days seems to just be inviting other drivers to flash lights or blow horns at you before either overtaking you often on the inside. Police nowhere to be seen and many driving like Mad Max, situation normal these days.

  3. If the bastard had done the same to members of my family, today he'd be wondering where his bollocks had gone. He might even lament the other element to his (former) 3 piece suite. But he wouldn't be lamenting for that long, as he would be dying of exsanguination from a cut throat, and feeling the heat from the car he was in and couldn't get out of that for some strange reason was on fire.

  4. "What consequences?"

    Sadly, good point.

    "Police nowhere to be seen and many driving like Mad Max, situation normal these days."

    It was noticable that when the first lockdown was lifted, the standard of driving seemed even worse. As if people had forgotten how to drive.
