Sunday 26 September 2021

Is There A Shortage Of Editors..?

...or have they all retrained as HGV drivers?


  1. Meanwhile back in the real world, Arctic sea ice is above the long term average and, as for polar bears:

    Many Chukchi Sea polar bears spend the summer on Wrangel Island and a survey there conducted by Russian researchers in 2020 reportedly collected data on a record 747 bears, well up from the 589 reportedly counted in 2017 by the same team.

    Note the latest survey of the Chukchi Sea estimated about 3,000 bears inhabit the region (AC SWG 2018; Regehr et al. 2018), at least 1,000 more that the figure of 2,000 used in recent IUCN assessments and survival predictions (Amstrup et al. 2007; Regehr et al. 2016; Wiig et al. 2015). Wrangel Island is the primary terrestrial denning area in the Chukchi Sea (Garner et al. 1984; Rode et al. 2014) and a recently published study showed that the body condition (i.e. fatness) and litter size of Chukchi Sea polar bears has not been negatively affected by low summer sea ice (Rode et al. 2021).

  2. Interesting stuff but don't all polar bears look the same ?

  3. I bet she did not roam the melting ice without a guardian carrying a big gun.
    As for being forced to use a gas guzzling jet. She must have had to be sedated for the journey.
    Next trip - the Galapagos Isles. Every greeny goes there if they can scrape together the air fare. Just in case a polar bear has survived the extinction there.

  4. The thing is, she is working herself up into a state of deep sorrow over stuff that isn't even true.

  5. "Meanwhile back in the real world, Arctic sea ice is above the long term average..."

    And the polar bears are behaving like it's Norfolk!

    "Next trip - the Galapagos Isles. Every greeny goes there if they can scrape together the air fare. Just in case a polar bear has survived the extinction there."

