Thursday 2 September 2021

Next Earth-Shattering Revelation In The 'Guardian' - "Serengeti Waterhole Has Highest Number Of Predators"...


The UK’s most deprived areas have more than 10 times the number of betting shops than the most affluent parts of the country, research shows.

Maybe that's why they are deprived?  

Gambling venues are concentrated in the most deprived areas of Britain, against the wishes of people who live nearby, according to a report commissioned by the Standard Life Foundation charity. “Those with the least resources are being targeted more,” the report says.

If it really was 'against the wishes' of the local people, wouldn't they go bust? 

The report also raised concerns that half of the 348 gambling treatment services mapped by researchers were within five minutes’ walk of a gambling premises.


Real life is like an alien world to the 'Guardian', isn't it? 


  1. I quite like a day out at the races and to place a miniscule bet on each race but I could never see the point of going into a betting shop. The odd thing to me is that regular punters seem to be unaware that, long term, gambling is obviously going to cost them money. I suppose that the bookie chains put their betting shops where there is the greatest concentration of idiots.

  2. When I was a young man I had a big win on the Derby. Borrowed mum's bike to collect my winnings. Dad called after me, "you'll never see a bookie on a push bike". Wise words I've never forgotten, although I still have the occasional dabble.

  3. Middle-class problem gamblers bet online.

    Also see reports of off-licences being concentrated in poor areas, even though the well-off drink more.

  4. ",,,but I could never see the point of going into a betting shop. "

    I have never set foot in one! My dad used to place my £1 each way bet on the Grand National 😁

    "Dad called after me, "you'll never see a bookie on a push bike". Wise words..."


    "Middle-class problem gamblers bet online."

    Ah! I know what I'll be doing next April then!
