Wednesday 9 March 2022

Shame On You, London Dungeon...

Surely that must be the very worst take on International Woman's Day ev...


...wait a minute!

As you were, London Dungeon. You're off that hook after all.


  1. Thank you for the biggest laugh I've had off the internet for a long time!

  2. Tranny Alert (?)

  3. Maybe Jack the Ripper WAS a woman. Maybe that's why she wasn't caught, they were all looking for a man.

  4. If I wear an Indian headdress I'm guilty of cultural appropriation. If I wear blackface I'm a racist. If I wear a wig and false boobs I'm a hero, or is that heroine?

  5. Me Too Mark!!!

  6. "Thank you for the biggest laugh I've had off the internet for a long time!"

    You're welcome, but please, remember the plight of satirists everywhere. They must be starving!

    "Maybe Jack the Ripper WAS a woman. Maybe that's why she wasn't caught..."

    I feel sure there's a movie or two with that plot somewhere!

    "If I wear a wig and false boobs I'm a hero, or is that heroine?"

    I feel sure that, like 'author' and 'actor' that term will soon be changed to unisex.
