Thursday 10 March 2022

She's Right. They Aren't.

A male-dominated panel of councillors found Lisa Townsend had not been ‘dignified or respectful’ to trans people when she supported the best-selling author’s view that biologically male rapists were not female.

Reality doesn't care about 'respect' or 'dignity' - reality simply is... 

And it's not simply 'her view', it's the view of the vast majority of the public she was elected to serve. 

They said the Surrey PCC had broken the code of conduct for her office and demanded she explain herself to the three men who had reported her over the tweet – one of whom is local Conservative MP Crispin Blunt.
Shouldn't be difficult - just show them this:

As the 'Spectator' article points out:
We’ve arrived at a moment when language itself has ceased to convey meaning, when all debate is null because we do not have access to words in which to conduct it.

Only if we surrender to the unhinged; thankfully, something Ms Townsend has decided she will not do. 

The panel’s complaints subcommittee made its ruling on Tuesday – International Women’s Day.

Of course they did - gleefully sticking a thumb in the eye of women everywhere appears to have become a sport now... 

Mr Blunt, who said in his complaint that her ‘messaging propagates dangerous myths’, declined to comment yesterday.

Because he knows he's in the wrong here, and he just doesn't care.  


  1. The Spectator nailed it.

  2. He's been deselected before - maybe he should be deselected again!

  3. 'Blistering C**t' must be a member of Ingsoc, or a fan of Tweedledum, to support such nonsense.

  4. In this case even the whole 'lady penis' thing is a distraction. What we're talking about is people who want to hold an election, then if it doesn't go their way, they get to drive their opponent out of office by waging lawfare. That sucks no matter what the issue is.

  5. I assume that would be the same Crispin Blunt MP who was for many years a family man with a daughter but who belatedly decided that he'd always rather have been back-scuttling men instead. Tells you all you need to know about his standards of personal honesty and integrity.

  6. As usual those with traditional (in this case correct) opinions are vilified by the wokerati. The woke adherents do this to highlight their own woke credentials by supporting those have chosen to depart from biological reality.

  7. The Vagina Museum in London celebrated International Womens Day with a " Tribute" to Transwomen!!The insane inverted world we live in...

  8. "He's been deselected before - maybe he should be deselected again!"

    If the voters don't do it this time, there's no hope for them. They will deserve each other.

    "That sucks no matter what the issue is."

    Indeed. And it's getting far more prevalent a tactic.

    "Tells you all you need to know about his standards of personal honesty and integrity."

    No doubt the announcement was greeted with cries of 'How brave!' ..?
