Tuesday 29 March 2022

Translation: "Gibs Us De Moneh!"

Lisa Hanna, Jamaican MP and UN Development Programme goodwill ambassador, showing us some....well, maybe not goodwill:
What we now need is for the west, especially the United Kingdom, to seriously engage with us on this matter. And, it’s not just lip service that we require. Flowery words and artful symbols not only do not placate us, but words without action will also offend us. We need leaders in civil society, in politics and in the monarchy to not only acknowledge historic exploitation and the consequences thereof but to begin to make concrete steps to rectify it.

Oh, and how? 'Dr Who' isn't real, sweetie, we can't go back in time... 

The evils of slavery cannot be forgotten.

Well, no, not while grifters like you keep getting appointed to these positions... 

Wait 'til we send the bill for the Royal Navy's actions in halting slavery...
When we in Jamaica say respect, we mean it. We respect you. We respect Prince William and Catherine. We respect the British people. We respect your leaders.


When you visit Jamaica, we are polite to you. We are cordial to you. We give you the time of your life on holiday.

And you make 'the time of your life' a short time, sometines


  1. I don't suppose it has ever entered the thick skulls of these people that it was black Africans and Islamic Arabs who actually enslaved their ancestors and sold them on. The British Government could always offer to show regret by returning those feeling hurt back to the land of their fathers. I wonder how many will take up the offer?

  2. It's not 'time of your life, it's Timeshare stuff in your face at every turn!

  3. @Penseivat
    Why on earth would West Africa be interested in letting in (NB not necessarily welcoming!) a pack of Jamaicans and others?

  4. "The British Government could always offer to show regret by returning those feeling hurt back to the land of their fathers. I wonder how many will take up the offer?"

    That has always been my thought on the matter. The added advantage is that it is likely to shut the buggers up pretty quickly. I believe that the country of Liberia was established by those who did take up the offer when abolition first happened.

  5. Robert the Biker29 March 2022 at 18:27

    Just more nigger whine! You were given, you didnt work for it, a beautiful, prosperous island that you managed to turn into a poor, pestilential shithole, biggest exports Ganja and Yardies. So, fuck off with your moaning.

  6. Penseivat is spot on (again). Sadly I don’t see UK journalists ever daring to relate his story.

  7. The blacks that now live in the west indies or America wouldn't be there without slavery. They'd still be in poverty in Africa. They should be grateful.

  8. " The British Government could always offer to show regret by returning those feeling hurt back to the land of their fathers."


    " I believe that the country of Liberia was established by those who did take up the offer when abolition first happened."

    And isn't a place that hits the headlines a lot, have you noticed?

    "They should be grateful."

    But never are.
