Friday 1 April 2022

Imagine What He'll Be Like At Five....

A four-year-old hasn’t been allowed in his classroom for a month after...

No, I know what you're thinking! But it's not Wuhan Flu. 

...being suspended more than five times in the space of six months, with his mum...

Apologising profusely?  

...slamming school bosses for a lack of support.

*sighs* Of course not. 

Wheel out the usual excuses! 

The mum insists she told school leaders that her son “gets frustrated and struggles with his emotions” and that he may be on the autistic spectrum, but was told it wouldn’t be a problem for him to attend.

They probably thought it wouldn't be, after all, just how bad could a four year old be? 

Some of the incidents leading to suspensions included “being dangerous with scissors” and “being violent towards staff”.

Well, that answers that question! 

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