Sunday 3 April 2022

Those Sneaky Homophones Again...

Even I totally missed this one at first!

H/T: Stephen Brown via email


  1. I can't see it.

    Everyone should know that the horrenous rises in fuel costs are the fault of the government and that it is not due to incompetence but deliberate malice.

  2. Further to the comment about government malice. Labour are now completely away with the fairies.

  3. It's the "incoming" I'm more worried about.

  4. A new term for extra-strength lager?

    Interestingly, a quick google shows dozens of heating firms using the same spelling for a particular make of cooker, presumably lifted verbatim from the manufacturer’s literature. I blame ‘little tin god syndrome’ - spellcheck doesn’t pick it up so it must be correct, the computer says so.

  5. Whoever sells small generators should make a killing on this - £1971 will buy a lot of fuel for said generator and provide a buffer when the lights go out, as they will with the nett-zero stupidity of the government.

    What the government should be doing is going on a crash building program for, at least, four new coal fired power stations and cut all subsidies for the unreliable renewable power industry - after all, the wind and sunlight is free /sarc.

  6. "I can't see it."

    Me neither, at first! 'Dual/duel'...😁

    "Labour are now completely away with the fairies."

    It's a mad world, and getting madder by the second!

    "I blame ‘little tin god syndrome’ - spellcheck doesn’t pick it up so it must be correct, the computer says so."

    Indeed. Would you trust a workman that thought along those lines?

    "...and provide a buffer when the lights go out, as they will with the nett-zero stupidity of the government."

    Interesting that people still say 'when the lights go out'. I suspect that what will cause far more angst is when the wifi shuts off!
