Tuesday 31 May 2022

Better Tighten Our Belts Then...

Almost £60,000 has been spent on kennelling and vet bills for dogs seized by Dorset Police over the past three years, a freedom of information request has revealed.
The request, which was sent by the Dorset Echo, also uncovered that over the past three years a total of 36 dogs were seized of which 13 were disposed or euthanised by the force.

...and start shooting them immediately. The taxpayer can't afford anything else.  

The original freedom of information (FOI) request stated that it was unknown how many dogs were seized by Dorset Police in 2019 but later it was uncovered that figure was four. In 2020 that figure came out at 17 and then 15 for 2021.

Now imagine this multiplied by all the other forces.  

For the 2020-21 financial year the FOI also originally stated £0 was spent on kennelling and vet bills but this figure later transpired to be more than £6,000.
The figure for kennelling and vet bills in 2021 up until March 10 of the current year was more than £20,000 greater than the previous year at £27,362, compared with the approximate £6,500 in 2020-21.

Wait until the dogs bought during lockdown and never trained or socialised start hitting the streets... 


  1. If they don't want to be seen shooting the buggers, just hand them over to the RSPCA. They can earn some of that money they get and I'm sure they will be happy to put them down in droves

  2. "...just hand them over to the RSPCA. They can earn some of that money they get and I'm sure they will be happy to put them down in droves"

    Now, there's a plan!
