Thursday 19 May 2022

I Know The Answer, Mark...

I made a mistake and because of it, on Wednesday 18 May, I will be put on a Home Office deportation flight to the country of my birth and torn apart from my five British children and my family.

Gosh, what sort of 'mistake'..? 

Did you tick the wrong box on a government form? I mean, yes, those things can be tricky... 

I came to the UK in 2000 at the age of 21. In 2017, I received a four-year sentence for growing cannabis plants.

Oh. You're a drug dealer.  

I hold my hands up, I did something wrong, I served two years of that sentence, and would never do anything like that again. I have not committed any further offences. But this government does not accept that people like me deserve a second chance. One mistake and my life and my future have been shattered for ever.

Welp, those are the rules! Why should we keep you here when we don't have to? 

I’m a parent; my two youngest children are eight and 10.

And the other three? You claim to have started growing cannabis because of a 'financial crisis' - I'm betting it wasn't child support!

If I am forced on to the plane I know my life will be at risk in the country of my birth. I will be looking over my shoulder 24/7.

Just like natives of this country have to do in certain areas, eh, Mark? 


  1. Hey, he's 'putting his hands up' except in the sense of accepting the consequences. Provided he doesn't have to pay any meaningful price he's A-OK with admitting his guilt.

    Plus I'm guessing he was convicted of 'growing cannabis plants' in the sense that Ronnie Biggs was convicted of stealing some post - it's technically true but it doesn't really tell the whole story.

  2. I saw this headline but couldn't be bothered to read the article. I have no sympathy in this case. However I am uncomfortable with the treatment of the so-called Windrush generation but that's an entirely different case.

  3. Don't be separated from your family, take them all with you. Bye!

  4. So he came to this country and shagged some women. Is he still with one of them? Does he support any of the women and his offspring? Does he have a job and contribute to the society he currently lives in? Just 3 of the several questions he should answer before a judgement is made on his fitness to stay here.

  5. I'm available for a lift to the airport if he's stuck.

  6. "Plus I'm guessing he was convicted of 'growing cannabis plants' in the sense that Ronnie Biggs was convicted of stealing some post - it's technically true but it doesn't really tell the whole story."

    That he 'served two years of that sentence' (meaning he didn't do the full time) tells a story all of its own, doesn't it?

    "However I am uncomfortable with the treatment of the so-called Windrush generation but that's an entirely different case."

    What, specifically, are you uncomfortable with?

    "Don't be separated from your family, take them all with you."

    That never seems an option, strangely...

    " Just 3 of the several questions he should answer before a judgement is made on his fitness to stay here."


    "I'm available for a lift to the airport if he's stuck."

