Saturday 28 May 2022

Is It 'Because We're Attention-Seeking Narcissists'..?

It usually is, after all...

The newspapers called us a “mob”, but I know that we were simply standing up for what is right.
It was definitely scary, but I also remember that, just before I stood up, I imagined the faces of people I have worked with who are migrants and refugees.

Which is it, love? Migrants or refugees? Or don't you know the difference?

These are the people at the real sharp end of these racist policies, and the least that we can do is passionately and repeatedly stand up to those in power who seek to persecute and scapegoat them just for seeking safety.

Actually, the people at the sharp end are, increasingly, the people being taxed to the hilt to pay for the hordes of economic migrants and the leeches - like you - who encourage them. 

How we treat people seeking refuge and how we treat the most vulnerable people in the global community says a lot about Britain. Why wouldn’t we want to live in a country that supports people to rebuild their lives and to live free from persecution and violence?

Because we can't afford it. 

As the dust settles on our action, I know that we did the right thing. No matter what the repercussions, history shows that if enough of us stand up and say, “No more”, we can make a difference.

Newsflash: There's not enough of you. And there's a hell of a lot more of us. 


  1. "As the dust settles on our action, I know that we did the right thing. No matter what the repercussions, history shows that if enough of us stand up and say, “No more”, we can make a difference."

    That could have been lifted from the defence speech by any unrepentant Nazi at the Nuremburg trials. Which means that it is just empty political hand-waving.

  2. Right, so you were seeking refuge and you reached a safe country, now what? I know, make the trek to the UK, I hear that they persecute and scapegoat people like you.

  3. "That could have been lifted from the defence speech by any unrepentant Nazi at the Nuremburg trials."

    Quite! Passion for a cause cuts both ways.

    "I know, make the trek to the UK, I hear that they persecute and scapegoat people like you."

    We obviously aren't very good at it!
