Wednesday 1 June 2022

Because No-One Other Than Ethnic Minorities Do This...

A majority of women of colour felt they needed to hide their identity at work in some way, with more than 60% modifying their language, hairstyle, clothes or diet in order to fit in.
Yes, it's another useless report by the usual suspects, the Fawcett Society (who - to the best of my knowledge - are doing their best to ignore the real issues facing women), and the Runnymede Trust.
More than half of Muslim and black African women said they had changed the clothes they wore at work, while a quarter of those with Indian heritage said they had changed their name.

Do they really think other women - and men - don't do the same? Are they unaware that very, very few people don't change the way they dress and speak and behave when at work? 

The research also found persistent obstacles to career progression, with more than half of women of colour reporting discrimination in the application or interview process and 42% saying they were passed over for promotion.

Was there any evidence that this wasn't simply their perception?  

The report calls on the government to force companies with more than 50 employees to publish ethnicity pay gap data, which it has resisted, leading to accusations that it lacks the “will or care” to create a fairer and more equal society.

How would this do that? Wouldn't it just provide more fuel for the grievance indus...oh, I see.

Hopefully, since we have a conservative government, these idiots will be put firmly back in their box? 

Responding to the findings, Caroline Nokes, the Conservative chair of the women and equalities committee, called for “positive action from the government”.



  1. Haven't any small change for these poor 'unfortunates', so put me down for a light sneer.

  2. "Hopefully, since we have a conservative government..."

    Do we? Has there been an election when I wasn't looking?

  3. " put me down for a light sneer."

    I can't even manage that!

    "Do we? Has there been an election when I wasn't looking?"

    No, but I think we need one, badly!
