Thursday 2 June 2022

Not Quite, Amber, Not Quite...'s a setback just for you. And 'freedom of speech' doesn't mean automatic belief in whatever you choose to say. 
Heard, 36, then blamed star attorney Camille Vasquez and Depp's other legal experts.
'I believe Johnny's attorneys succeeded in getting the jury to overlook the key issue of Freedom of Speech and ignore evidence that was so conclusive that we won in the UK.'

Different country, different laws. It's to our shame, and the shame of our debased justice system, that you won that one. 

Of course, the 'Guardian' can find someone to agree with Heard:
It will have a devastating effect on survivors, who will be silenced, now, with the knowledge that they cannot speak about their violent experiences at men’s hands without the threat of a ruinous libel suit.
No, only the ones that are lying...


  1. A very strange case. Whoever Heard of a woman lying for the purpose of financial gain, concurrent with man-wrecking?

  2. Thoroughly deserved, even if she only did a fraction of the reported vile behaviour. Perhaps she thought courts always believe the woman regardless - in this case the jury believed the facts. But 10/10 for good acting in court!

  3. I agree she should not have one that court case in the UK. What I read about it screamed 'psychopath'.

  4. Neither party came out of this very well . Depp for all his boasting of being a southern Gentleman came across as a total pisshead who made vile comments to his friends about his wife. Some Gentleman. Sure his previous paramours said he was a perfect gentleman but that was before he's spent the last umpteen years off his head, getting bad tattoos and dressing like a homeless version of Keith richards. i'd argue that for all her faults depp is just as bad.

  5. "A very strange case. Whoever Heard of a woman lying for the purpose of financial gain..."

    I know..!

    "Thoroughly deserved, even if she only did a fraction of the reported vile behaviour."

    She really came across as unhinged. He just came across as typical Hollywood excess-haver.

    "What I read about it screamed 'psychopath'."

    Which doesn't seem unusual for Hollyweird....

    "Neither party came out of this very well "

    Very few normal marriages in showbiz, but will this be the worst ever?
