Thursday 21 July 2022

But Have You, Amanda..?

It must be time for yet another 'My child spend my money on online games because I didn't bring them up right' story, and right on cue:

"Now some time has passed it's definitely something we look back on as a family and can joke about - she's a lovely girl and I know she's learnt her lesson."

She's a thief. She's old enough to know what she did is wrong. 

She added: "We had lots of tears and lots of apologising to which I replied, 'that's not going to pay the credit card bill though is it Elizabeth’.

Does she get pocket money? Stop it. Does she do chores? Increase them, What does this lily-livered woman do for a living, anyw... 

Amanda, a financial manager...



  1. What's possibly more worrying is that the mother spends so much, and so often, through PayPal that this activity didn't trip any sort of fraud alarms and shut down the card. Or worse, that she's even more stupid than we've given her credit for and has given PayPal direct access to her bank account...

  2. She's clearly only used to managing other peoples finances, not her own. On second thoughts, maybe she isn't very good at her job either!

  3. "What's possibly more worrying is that the mother spends so much, and so often, through PayPal that this activity didn't trip any sort of fraud alarms..."

    Who'd hire a 'financial manager' like that? Probably the local council!

    "On second thoughts, maybe she isn't very good at her job either!"

    Or parenting, which is perhaps more the point.
