Thursday 7 July 2022

Fool Me Once, Shame On You...

...fool me many many times, and you must call me 'Your honour':

...her lawyer persuaded a judge to free her by claiming she was ''sorry'' about her behaviour and had given up drinking.
Newall was arrested in March after having a homophobic rant against a police officer, while she was being taken to a police station. The mum then verbally abused every other officer when she was about to be placed in cells. During her rampage, Newall head butted the clear plastic Perspex of a police van and spat on the floor telling one PC: ''I am going to smash your head off, you f***ing grass, you f***ing grassing bastard. You are f***ing dead."


Inquiries revealed she had a string of previous convictions and had previously been to jail for assaulting a police officer.
At Sefton Magistrates Court, Newall faced up to six months in jail after she pleaded guilty to two charges of using threatening, abusive, insulting words or behaviour to cause harassment alarm, or distress.

Yeah, right... 

But she was given a 18-month community order including a six-month alcohol rehabilitation programme after saying she had a "multiplicity of problems” and was getting treatment for her heavy drinking.
District Judge James Clarke said: 'This is an opportunity. If you throw this away you only have yourself to blame.”

And you, James, for giving her the opportunity... 


  1. These stores used to shock us years ago but now with our broken justice system they no longer do. Sadly in today's UK this is the norm unless your a usually law abiding type with a few quid the system can snatch that is.

  2. The sad thing is that she is a "mum".
    Poor little bastard.
    Or am wrongly assuming that she is not married to the child's / children's father?

  3. Liverpool is an easy target for judgemental bigots like me, but there is a spirit about the place that is admirable and makes you hope things get better.

    The comments in the Echo are pure gold.

    "Bootle's finest young urban professional. Educated , articulate , ambitious , enjoying an afternoon aperitif."

  4. "The sad thing is that she is a "mum"."

    Aren't they always?

    "but there is a spirit about the place that is admirable and makes you hope things get better.

    The comments in the Echo are pure gold."

    I LOVE local rag comment sections!
