Tuesday 19 July 2022

"He's been at it all day rambling on, but never in my life did I think he would go to the school with a meat cleaver."

Another parent, who was the first to call police, said: 'It was an accident waiting to happen. Today he sounded very distressed and he's been using foul language all day. He just sounded incredibly upset and distressed throughout the day.'

Ah, yes, the nutter with the weapon is the real victim here... 

'You could hear and see him from the back garden brandishing knives. My husband who works from home ran down the stairs and said he's on the front going into school with a meat cleaver, and I was just on the phone talking to the police straight away and talking through to them until they got here.'

Some other people weren't prepared to wait for that, and tackled the man.  

'The teachers acted very quickly and got everybody in the school hall, three men were trying to calm him down, but he was very, very agitated and then he moved further in and then it was seven men who were watching what he was doing and then one of them actually wrestled him to the floor.' 

Those men are heroes.  


  1. < Waits eagerly for the Grauniad headline that an innocent pupil was wrestled to the floor in an unprovoked attack >

  2. "< Waits eagerly for the Grauniad headline that an innocent pupil was wrestled to the floor in an unprovoked attack >"

    Or for the police charging these chaps with 'excessive brutality'.
