Wednesday 3 August 2022

Rewatchable TV August: The X Files

Oh, boy, when they say some series should stop rather than drag on, a picture of this one always comes to mind. Yet when it started out, it was an utter phenomenon, and I can remember tuning in to every episode with anticipation. As a lifelong reader of 'Fortean Times' it was always a pleasant suprise when the 'monster of the week' was a familiar myth.

And I still do enjoy the first five or so seasons and watch them again and again. The titles, the stunning music, they all bring back memories:

We just don't talk about how it all ended. Or started up again (briefly) in what must be the most disastrous decision ever taken in tvland!


  1. The non-ending really bugged me. It could have been so much better. Too many good TV programmes just dwindle into nothing

  2. Only the first five seasons were "as originally imagined' by Chris Carter. Subsequent seasons were the result of the, predictable, actor (dancing monkey) demanded influence, and TV executive (director) pandering.

    I was big fan but, much like after Firefly's cancellation, 'considered' putting out 'a hit' on the executives when I saw season 6 (I didn't bother with the rest).

  3. "Too many good TV programmes just dwindle into nothing"

    Yes, sadly. Popularity is a fickle thing.

    " Subsequent seasons were the result of the, predictable, actor (dancing monkey) demanded influence, and TV executive (director) pandering."

    *sighs* Ain't it usually the way?

