Friday 26 August 2022

Yeah, Sure, Tell Us Another...

...reliving the moments before the high-speed crash, Zamarod said she and Yagmur had begged the driver to slow down:
'Rida liked to drive fast and he likes to tease people when they are in the car. We were going so fast as soon as we left the Wish Lounge.
'When we got on the A40 I told Rida to slow down. We stopped at a red light by the BP garage and then Rida started going fast. He just kept going faster.
'I told him to slow down and touched his arm. Yagmur was also telling him to slow down. She had a previous bad experience and didn't like going fast. We were both afraid.
'I looked over at Rida and touched his arm to say slow down. He looked me in the eye and said it will be cool.
'Just then Yag shouted out that there was something in the road. I don't know what it was, a cat, or another animal. Rida went to the side, and once that happened we just took off.'
Should the police actually decide to charge him, and the useless CPS prosecute, his defence thanks you for the assist

Seriously, how big would the 'cat' have to be for them to spot it at the speed they were going? 
She said members of the police crash investigation team have yet to interview her and she has not made any formal statement about the accident. Zamarod contacted MailOnline via a video call from her Instagram page.
*sigh* I guess they were too busy dealing with the other fatal incident caused by idiots in high powered cars, eh? 


  1. Given any involvement, Justice will be f*cked up by PC's Dumbutt and R Sole.

  2. "Rida liked to drive fast and he likes to tease people when they are in the car."

    If you already knew that then getting in a car with him might possibly have been a bad idea.

  3. Nothing unusual here, in my residential area it's quite normal to see cars doing 50 or 60mph in 30mph areas. No police or cameras and if you report it you are lucky to get a reply and you certainly won't get any action. In the high street it's common to see motorcycles doing wheelies at 60mph in full sight of the CCTV cameras, again no action ever taken. I don't know about other areas but here the rule of law ceased to exist years ago and crime is a perfectly reasonable career choice, it's sort of like the wild west but with no sheriff, less guns and higher taxes.

  4. We're at that 'awkward' point where the police no longer enforce 'the law' against the criminals, but they'll still land on the law-abiding like a ton of bricks if they act to protect themselves. (It's much easier, safer and more profitable to target a granny parking incorrectly than face possible injury dealing with scum committing violent crimes, after all).

    The sooner the police degrade even further (hard as it is to believe, it is possible) and 'get out of the way', the sooner people will be able to deal with 'issues' themselves.

    Most 'still' don't understand that the police are not (and never were) there to protect the law-abiding from the criminals, but the criminals from the law-abiding. When the 'rough music' starts playing, the criminals and anti-social will learn that fact ... briefly.

    I'd prefer, like most I suspect, for the police and justice system to do its job, but since that is no longer even vaguely imaginable, they better ensure they don't get included in the 'correction' to come, by making their allegiance to the scum too apparent (not holding my breath on that one occurring either).

  5. "Given any involvement, Justice will be f*cked up by PC's Dumbutt and R Sole."

    Really can't see how, this is as open and shut as it gets!

    "If you already knew that then getting in a car with him might possibly have been a bad idea."

    Well, quite!

    " my residential area it's quite normal to see cars doing 50 or 60mph in 30mph areas."

    Yes, sadly true even for my very quiet patch 😑

    "...but they'll still land on the law-abiding like a ton of bricks if they act to protect themselves. "

    Indeed! It's no way to expect a country to be run, is it?
